
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2235381 times)

but the chances of it happening in our lifetimes are, as I said, smaller than Gary Johnson winning in a landslide victory and appointing Vermin Supreme as his VP.

I'm down.

remember goys bernie can still win as long as u keep donating

please abolish the selective service system and the requirement to sign up for it when you turn 18
I didn't know until I got a letter a couple of weeks ago but you don't even sign up for it. you're just part of it automatically. I think registering to vote is what makes it happen. or it might have been renewing my license. both of these happened at the same time recently, so it's hard to say which one it was

"#chromosomepride" HOLY stuff LOL

actually this whole case-being-reopened thing might have more potential than i thought

Anthony Weiner is married to Huma Abedin, Hillary's top adviser for decades. After his repeating loveting of other women (which caused him to have to resign from Congress, and then later lose the primary to be the democrat nominee for mayor of NYC after it was revealed that he was still loveting other women) they separated in August of this year. A few weeks ago it came out that Weiner was sending lovets to a 13 year old girl, and the FBI recently raided his house and took his phone and computer, and on them they found information relating to Hillary's email scandal that led them to reopen the case.

tl;dr he loveted and got v&, then when they looked through his laptop they found classified info being sent back and forth

one man thinking with his richard to rule them all

also not sure what to make of this

https://vault.fbi.gov/hillary-r.-clinton/hillary-r.-clinton-part-04-of-04/view (page 26)

« Last Edit: October 29, 2016, 01:01:16 AM by Decepticon »

in a way i want whatever was on weiner's computer to be that final piece of evidence, just so that future generations will look back on when Weiner's richard sung a US election

in a way i want whatever was on weiner's computer to be that final piece of evidence, just so that future generations will look back on when Weiner's richard sung a US election
how a man and his richard swayed the course of world history

until the next week or so though we'll just have to wait and see

in a way i want whatever was on weiner's computer to be that final piece of evidence, just so that future generations will look back on when Weiner's richard sung a US election

Anthony Weiner is literally Karl Blaine from Just Cause 2.

He is a bumbling idiot that secretly works for the totalitarian government, does something stupid and because of it disappears off the face of the earth and is ostracized by everyone. Later, when the dictator corners you in the final fight, Blaine comes out of nowhere and blows him up via Self Delete bombing, completely destroying the government's headquarters and essentially saving the day.

Anthony Weiner is literally Karl Blaine from Just Cause 2.

He is a bumbling idiot that secretly works for the totalitarian government, does something stupid and because of it disappears off the face of the earth and is ostracized by everyone. Later, when the dictator corners you in the final fight, Blaine comes out of nowhere and blows him up via Self Delete bombing, completely destroying the government's headquarters and essentially saving the day.
are you implying people cared about the story in just cause 2

the FBI is conducting a Weiner probe

are you implying people cared about the story in just cause 2

there's a better example but I couldn't think of it