
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2235108 times)

The reason that you think Hillary will start WWIII is because she has promised to put a no-fly zone over Syria. She will not do that if military advisors tell her that it will start a war, namely because she actually listens to her advisors, because she's a real politician.

What about her sponsorship with a company that profits off war?

Questioning that someone who lies, cheats, and steals, could possibly break the law and do immoral things is just conspiracy theory! Only Lunatics don't believe in coincidence! Man, looking back at history, the history books are total nutjobs. I mean, why would the kool kids klub ever hang black people, it was obviously mass Self Delete.
Wow, okay, yeah. Those are definitely not equivalent events.

I'm sorry, I'm just not gonna touch that one.

What about her sponsorship with a company that profits off war?
I'd look at the incentives here. Please a small minority of your donors, versus prevent a useless war that will tarnish your entire political career and make you a pariah like Dubya. Hillary should stop taking money from skeevy donors, but I've got strong reason to believe that she's not beholden to all of them.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2016, 03:55:46 PM by SeventhSandwich »

Hillary has done many questionable things to tarnish her career but people are sheeps. She is notoriously anti lgbt but she flip flopped to gain lgbt votes. I told this transmission that she is only lying for votes.

Doesn't believe me, lol.

She is notoriously anti lgbt but she flip flopped to gain lgbt votes. I told this transmission that she is only lying for votes.

Doesn't believe me, lol.
She was a Goldwater girl back in her youth, and she flip-flopped on LGBT rights around the same time her husband did.

But again, look at this in context: She is a pro-LGBT flip-flopper running against an anti-LGBT flip-flopper. She is presently for LGBT rights, and Annoying Orange is presently anti-LGBT. Neither is an ideal choice, but if you're voting for better LGBT rights, Hillary is the clear choice.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2016, 04:06:01 PM by SeventhSandwich »

Hilldog is lying though
Possibly? But again, unless you assume that Annoying Orange is lying about his own positions on LGBT rights, Hillary is still the better choice for that issue.

The Page of Green Sandviches having a debate.

Nah man, that's tinfoil hat land. Questioning that someone who lies, cheats, and steals, could possibly break the law and do immoral things is just conspiracy theory! Only Lunatics don't believe in coincidence! Man, looking back at history, the history books are total nutjobs. I mean, why would the kool kids klub ever hang black people, it was obviously mass Self Delete.

false equivalence, try again

false equivalence, try again

How is that a false equivalence?

If we take the sentence.
"The kool kids klub got away with illegal acts because those around them either agreed with them or were convinced to agree."
and replace "The kool kids klub" with "Hillary Clinton"
"Hillary Clinton got away with illegal acts because those around them either agreed with them or were convinced to agree."

Then it is clear to see, there is no false equivalence. She Lied to the FBI, which is a Crime. She had, and knew she had, confidential emails on her server, and proof has been constantly pouring out from Wikileaks of this.

How is that a false equivalence?

If we take the sentence.
"The kool kids klub got away with illegal acts because those around them either agreed with them or were convinced to agree."
and replace "The kool kids klub" with "Hillary Clinton"
"Hillary Clinton got away with illegal acts because those around them either agreed with them or were convinced to agree."

Then it is clear to see, there is no false equivalence. She Lied to the FBI, which is a Crime. She had, and knew she had, confidential emails on her server, and proof has been constantly pouring out from Wikileaks of this.
That is such a gross and inaccurate representation of the reasons why we know that the kool kids klub lynched black people, namely:
  • There were actual black people hanging from trees
  • There were signs of struggle indicating that they didn't commit Self Delete
  • Members of the kool kids klub were brought to trial and later convicted for lynching black people
  • The kool kids klub spoke out politically against anti-lynching laws

While the only 'evidence' that Hillary has killed anyone is as follows:
  • Some of the thousands of old people investigating her case died during the months-long investigations

Not only are you spouting bullstuff once again, you're belittling one of the worst parts of our history by comparing it to Humble Water Filter Merchant conspiracy bullstuff. You'd do right to just back out and stop saying stupid stuff.

That is such a gross and inaccurate representation of the reasons why we know that the kool kids klub lynched black people, namely:
  • There were actual black people hanging from trees
  • There were signs of struggle indicating that they didn't commit Self Delete
And the possible clinton opposition 'Self Deletes' didn't? I didn't realise the average person commits Self Delete by shooting themselves in the back of the head.
  • Members of the kool kids klub were brought to trial and later convicted for lynching black people
  • The kool kids klub spoke out politically against anti-lynching laws

While the only 'evidence' that Hillary has killed anyone is as follows:
  • Some of the thousands of old people investigating her case died during the months-long investigations
Yeah, Some, like vital people, people calling her out on her bullstuff with valid evidence, and even people who were to testify in court.

Not only are you spouting bullstuff once again, you're belittling one of the worst parts of our history by comparing it to Humble Water Filter Merchant conspiracy bullstuff. You'd do right to just back out and stop saying stupid stuff.

Also, telling me I'm comparing this to "Humble Water Filter Merchant' Conspiracy Bullstuff" is insane. He says and believes crazier stuff than this. This is genuinely abnormal that vital people, that could and would have taken Hillary down suddenly 'Committed Self Delete" or had a death under strange circumstances.

And the possible clinton opposition 'Self Deletes' didn't? I didn't realise the average person commits Self Delete by shooting themselves in the back of the head.
Jesus Christ, that's literally just a meme that people use to make fun of Hillary. Nobody investigating Clinton's case was shot in the back of the head. Do you have any sort of filter that sorts reality from the things that you read?

This is genuinely abnormal that vital people, that could and would have taken Hillary down suddenly 'Committed Self Delete" or had a death under strange circumstances.
Again, it's not abnormal. You have a group of thousands of people, all fairly old, who have worked in stressful careers in public service their entire life, working on a case that lasts many months. Probability would predict that a couple of people would die in that time period.

Plus, the people that died were not 'vital' to the case. They only became 'vital' afterwards because it fits the alt-right narrative about Hillary sending ninjas to force-feed natural-death-inducing, somehow-undetectable-by-autopsy pills to people who work on her case.

Then it is clear to see, there is no false equivalence.

You say this as if it isn't false equivalence when it is

Why are people setting their avatars to seventhsandwich-style avatars all of a sudden? Is this a trolling thing or did I miss some sort of inside joke?

Why are people setting their avatars to seventhsandwich-style avatars all of a sudden?

Long story short, they have crippling social issues