
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2229490 times)

The frontrunners are also a neo national socialist and a criminal

Yeah but if we go back to the medieval ages then we can have another CRUSADE

who the forget doesn't wanna go on a crusade, that will be hella fun. Slaying for jesus guys common.
hey Taya! Jesus, man!

correct me if i'm wrong, but i'm in russia, which is precisely forgetway across the world, and even i'm bothered by the fact both of the us frontrunners are handicapped.

ideally i'd cheer for bernie but bernie likely got shafted so now the only viable options are trying to out-autism (out-ism) each other to death.  hillary supports goddamned death penalties and Annoying Orange admitted to owning mein kampf at some point (loving read that last bit again), not to mention they both look and sound like they've been furiously doing crack behind the scenes.

even if the whole mein kampf thing is bullstuff and i suck roosters, there's still this entire page of The Bern™ dissecting Annoying Orange's horsestuff strategy

i can't even inch towards either on the grounds of "who's more likely to launch fifty nukes russia-ways immediately after they get back-doored elected president and finish pummeling the other with the nuclear briefcase" because they look and sound equally deranged.  get your stuff together america
« Last Edit: March 02, 2016, 03:03:34 PM by Cybertails1998 »

I don't see what's wrong with owning mein kampf

I don't see what's wrong with owning mein kampf

he's obviously evil and a national socialist

he's obviously evil and a national socialist
if you say so

even if the whole Riddler speech thing is bullstuff and i suck roosters, there's still this entire page of The Bern™ dissecting Annoying Orange's horsestuff strategy

even if the whole Riddler speech thing is bullstuff and i suck roosters, there's still this entire page of The Bern™ dissecting Annoying Orange's horsestuff strategy

you're right

free college, $15 minimum wage for minimum work, Annoying Orange TOTALLY said mexicans are rapists and criminals and that ALL muslims are terrorists, and his plans absolutely will not stimulate economic growth and begin rebuilding the middle-class of america.

what a horsestuff strategy that i haven't even read. what a horsestuff strategy on an issue i'm very uneducated about