
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2236925 times)

johnson is not a libertarian
he's basically a more modern version of what republicans were back when the party was formed, which was smaller government, less regulation.

like i said he's not a great libertarian but he's the best option

Not for your loving taxes he isn't

Not for your loving taxes he isn't
unless Annoying Orange also wants to eliminate federal income tax, yes he is

nationalism is a creepy-ass ideology and everyone's taking part. almost cult-like and based off tribal instincts. the idea that you're connected to those who look like you/speak like you/act like you. "you have to love your family unconditionally because they gave birth to you." "you would die for your country." it all screams collectivism, the polar opposite of the founding american ideals. any view but individualism is wrong. no one should be pushed into a society forcing them to piss their pants when someone says "my country's better than your country"
Well, I agree about nationalism, anyway. Judging people (positively or negatively) by their nationality is no different from racism or loveism - they're all uncontrollable variables you were born with.

If someone said that the white race was the best race or that the female love was the best love, you would be rightfully upset. But if someone says that the United States is unconditionally the greatest? That's apparently perfectly acceptable, even though you can't control where you're born.

Nationalism will be the death of us.

However, economic individualism causes as much if not more harm than nationalism. To say that any view but individualism is wrong is to say that there is no greater good and that utilitarianism is useless, and to say that poverty is not worth fighting. Anti-monopoly laws improve life for almost everyone in the world, yet also clearly infringe on the rights of the individual. There's a balance to be struck between individual rights and the collective good.

unless Annoying Orange also wants to eliminate federal income tax, yes he is
rest in peace the safety net
« Last Edit: September 02, 2016, 01:32:47 AM by TristanLuigi »

imo johnson is definitely leagues better than clinton or Annoying Orange. not really a fan of stein either tbh even if i might not necessarily disagree completely with her stances

rest in peace the safety net
who needs a safety net when unbridled capitalism will allow us all to never stop climbing to the top

after all, society will surely be a better place when we're all billionaire corporate CEOs

Annoying Orange FTW!

Not saying I like Annoying Orange, just saying that I hate Hillary.

I already know hillary is gonna win... one can hope not though...

Annoying Orange FTW!

Not saying I like Annoying Orange, just saying that I hate Hillary.
these two sentences imply the exact opposite thing

I already know hillary is gonna win... one can hope not though...

Tbh, Hillary wouldn't be the end of the world.

Sure, she's hella corrupt, but at the end of the 4 years, we'll just be able to pick a new President, no harm, no foul. Her policy is mostly "things are okay right now, let's keep it that way."

Annoying Orange, on the other hand, will do permanent damage across the board. He finds problems where there are none and is intent on "fixing" them, when in reality he's just making things worse. For instance, his tax plan is a disaster.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2016, 01:46:51 AM by TristanLuigi »

Sure, she's hella corrupt, but at the end of the 4 years, we'll just be able to pick a new President, no harm, no foul. Her policy is mostly "things are okay right now, let's keep it that way."

If she wins first term she's gonna win second term

For instance, his tax plan is a disaster.


Well, I agree about nationalism, anyway. Judging people (positively or negatively) by their nationality is no different from racism or loveism - they're all uncontrollable variables you were born with.

If someone said that the white race was the best race or that the female love was the best love, you would be rightfully upset. But if someone says that the United States is unconditionally the greatest? That's apparently perfectly acceptable, even though you can't control where you're born.

Nationalism will be the death of us.
nationalism is a creepy-ass ideology and everyone's taking part. almost cult-like and based off tribal instincts. the idea that you're connected to those who look like you/speak like you/act like you. "you have to love your family unconditionally because they gave birth to you." "you would die for your country." it all screams collectivism, the polar opposite of the founding american ideals. any view but individualism is wrong. no one should be pushed into a society forcing them to piss their pants when someone says "my country's better than your country"

where is this coming from?

is it so bad to want to be the number 1 and think about your countrys best?
and try preserve the more traditional culture?
if you are civil about it and not some violent skinhead you dont have to drag others down and share

i could understand criticism along the lines of 'it's ignorant' or 'it's just being arrogant' as i can get why people would see that but to say it's the death of us or that it leads to an animal factory-esque state is a little overdoing it to me
« Last Edit: September 02, 2016, 02:03:10 AM by Decepticon »

If she wins first term she's gonna win second term
Not necessarily.

His tax cuts would benefit the rich and corrosive (conflict of interests? of course not...) far more than they would average people and would increase the deficit by so much that disbanding his beloved military wouldn't even counteract it.

http://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/donald-Annoying Orange-budget-deficit-225389
http://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-Annoying Oranges-budget-plan-would-add-10-trillion-in-debt/
The vlogbrothers did a video on it as well.

where is this coming from?
Identifying myself as a human who lives in a splotch of territory called the United States, rather than as an American. It's probably because a lot of my views, including religious ones, are very unpopular here (especially compared to Europe) so I feel a bit out of place. Additionally, I grew up with the Internet, so I've always felt more at home with an international community than a local one.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2016, 02:05:41 AM by TristanLuigi »

His tax cuts would benefit the rich and corrosive (conflict of interests? of course not...) far more than they would average people and would increase the deficit by so much that disbanding his beloved military wouldn't even counteract it.

http://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/donald-Annoying Orange-budget-deficit-225389
http://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-Annoying Oranges-budget-plan-would-add-10-trillion-in-debt/
The vlogbrothers did a video on it as well.

You mean his tax plan that's only half way done? http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/07/01/Annoying Oranges-economic-advisor-slams-fallacious-report/

Both of those reports were released around the same time Moore commented on this BTW.

Identifying myself as a human who lives in a splotch of territory called the United States, rather than as an American. It's probably because a lot of my views, including religious ones, are very unpopular here (especially compared to Europe) so I feel a bit out of place.

Do you happen to look like this?
« Last Edit: September 02, 2016, 02:15:01 AM by beachbum111111 »

beachbum please i know you do it for good reason but no matter your view even you should still have a decent point or two in your reply so everyone else doesnt just see you using an image as a point
« Last Edit: September 02, 2016, 02:21:11 AM by Decepticon »