
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2234189 times)

beachbum please i know you do it for good reason but no matter your view even you should still have a decent point or two so everyone else doesnt just see you using an image as a point

It's just banter. What I posted is how his post came across as to me so I'm poking fun at it.

You mean his tax plan that's only half way done? http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/07/01/Annoying Oranges-economic-advisor-slams-fallacious-report/
Breitbart doesn't even try to be unbiased. I'm not sure it really counts as a credible source in political discussion, but whatever floats your boat... If his plan is half finished, it shouldn't be released. (And yes, I read the article. I didn't just dismiss it based on the website, and they spend more time on ad hominem then actually explaining why his tax plan will work.)

Do you happen to look like this?

Please, I'm probably half his weight
Was this really necessary? That part of the post wasn't even directed towards you, nor was it argumentative.

It's just banter. What I posted is how his post came across as to me so I'm poking fun at it.
If that's how you meant it, I guess I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but inserting "banter" in the middle of an unrelated debate looks a lot like uncalled-for insult.

Anyway, it's getting late, so I'm going to get to bed. Good night, guys!
« Last Edit: September 02, 2016, 02:31:28 AM by TristanLuigi »

Breitbart doesn't even try to be unbiased. I'm not sure it really counts as a credible source in political discussion, but whatever floats your boat... If his plan is half finished, it shouldn't be released. (And yes, I read the article. I didn't just dismiss it based on the website, and they spend more time on ad hominem then actually explaining why his tax plan will work.)

Of course you didn't read the article. Why did I expect you to even look? The reporter interviewed Annoying Oranges economic adviser. But of course I'm sure an interview is still somehow biased for Annoying Orange or something.

If that's how you meant it, I guess I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but inserting "banter" in the middle of an unrelated debate looks a lot like uncalled-for insult.

Yes and Mcjob should stop saying "cunt" every time he argues with someone because that's just a mean insult. Also you completely bash an ideology acting like it's the worst thing ever. Only to say later that your issue with it is because of your own social problems

are we not going to include that third party guy

are we not going to include that third party guy

Stein and Johnson have no chance

65% chance according to most likely fake polls hahahhahahaahha kill me

Why is nationalism bad, you ask? It becomes clear if you summarize the definitions of it and patriotism:
Patriotism is "my country is great"
Nationalism is "forget other countries"

"It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things." -Terry Pratchett

Why does every hillary supporter I come across say something along the lines of "oh yeah I know she's hella corrupt, murders people blah blah but Annoying Oranges a warmongering tribal!"
I want off this ride

I used to be a full-on jingoistic nationalist, a true believer and preacher of American exceptionalism. Thank goodness for my disillusionment.

Why does every hillary supporter I come across say something along the lines of "oh yeah I know she's hella corrupt, murders people blah blah but Annoying Oranges a warmongering tribal!"
I want off this ride
imo it's better than blind devotion

Why does every hillary supporter I come across say something along the lines of "oh yeah I know she's hella corrupt, murders people blah blah but Annoying Oranges a warmongering tribal!"
I want off this ride
I'm not a Hillary supporter. She's awful, but not as awful as Annoying Orange. Saying she's corrupt is one thing, saying she's a murderer is another; and I would rather vote for someone with terrible ethics but is politically "close enough" to me than someone who also has terrible ethics AND is politically insane.

Johnson is well-meaning, but I don't agree with him on that that many points. Stein is easily the closest candidate to my views, and unlike Clinton, she's actually a decent person. Neither of them have a chance to win, though.

Why is nationalism bad, you ask? It becomes clear if you summarize the definitions of it and patriotism:
Patriotism is "my country is great"
Nationalism is "forget other countries"
Yeah, this. I'm not really a patriot, but I'm okay with patriotic folks, as it's harmless and even fun. Nationalists, on the otherhand, are xenophobic starfishs whose brains can't handle the thought that issues can be more complex than "we're good, they're bad!"

Nationalism is totally separate and distinct from the left-right axis, and there are crazies on both sides of the isle who fall under this category. The Soviets were far-left nationalists, the national socialists far-right; Stein and Johnson represent their sides of the isle without being nationalist. I don't think Annoying Orange is nearly as nationalist as the examples I have, but he's certainly more so than the other candidates.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2016, 11:55:02 AM by TristanLuigi »

Yes and Mcjob should stop saying "cunt" every time he argues with someone because that's just a mean insult
i mean you keep saying that it's everyone else's problem that they have a problem with it, but if you want people to take you seriously it really does help to not needlessly antagonize them. people don't like to listen to bros that are slinging stuff, bro. and ya, mcjob does the same thing, and people give him stuff for it too.

Why does every hillary supporter I come across say something along the lines of "oh yeah I know she's hella corrupt, murders people blah blah but Annoying Oranges a warmongering tribal!"
I want off this ride
probably because they're trying to equate them as having at least equally poor character since that's the way they see it. also, personally, tho i'm probably going to hesitantly vote for hillary, it's definitely not because i'm a "supporter." i would rather her not be president, the problem i have with Annoying Orange is that i dislike both his character and his politics, and perhaps more importantly, i dislike the idea of a republican congress being able to pass legislation i wouldn't support, and i dislike the idea of Annoying Orange making appointments to federal courts.

the last time the alt-right rose up and let their voices be heard it started WW2

Last time the left rose up we got terrorists in France

the last time the alt-right rose up and let their voices be heard it started WW2
But National Socialism was an ethnic nationalist leftist movement.
The national socialists were called "right wing" by other socialist groups in an attempt to slander and discredit them as a legitimate political movement.