
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2227138 times)

Let's see Annoying Orange win and then you can try to say that again without making yourself look ridiculous.
Heh, okay. I'll put you in my sig til we reach November and let's see how you react.

Annoying Orange's iraq war tangent was ridiculous

I think one of the biggest differences between liberals and conservatives is that liberals can accept when they lose and recognize it--while conservatives throw a tantrum and lie to themselves.
didn't you throw a temper tantrum when someone proved that maxx didn't hack your server or something

edit: and this didn't seem to be the case when bernie was btfo

Donald was real forgetin' immature, honestly. He disrespected the moderator and completely disregarded the time limits as well as blurted things out as Hillary was speaking. As a result, not as many questions were asked as intended.

I think one of the biggest differences between liberals and conservatives is that liberals can accept when they lose and recognize it--while conservatives throw a tantrum and lie to themselves.

Uh, that's really opinionated and subjective. From a more neutral perspective, i'd say it applies to a majority of both.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2016, 08:37:44 PM by Willymcmilly »

Donald was real forgetin' immature, honestly. He disrespected the moderator and completely disregarded the time limits as well as blurted things out as Hillary was speaking. As a result, not as many questions were asked as intended.
I'd say both candidates really stretched the time limits (Holt could have been more assertive in his moderating), but Annoying Orange had a monopoly on interruptions.

the moderator should have the ability to turn the mics off when their time is up

the moderator should have the ability to turn the mics off when their time is up

Better idea: Don't have them on to begin with

that'd actually be hilarious. everyone's in on it but them and they argue at each other for 90 minutes in what might as well be total silence

the debates should be formatted like whose line is it anyway, they both get meaningless points awarded at the moderator's discretion. the loser gets slimed

from an unbiased standpoint i think the majority would say that clinton won the first debate

I think one of the biggest differences between liberals and conservatives is that liberals can accept when they lose and recognize it--while conservatives throw a tantrum and lie to themselves.

Cool backpack bro

I think one of the biggest differences between liberals and conservatives is that liberals can accept when they lose and recognize it--while conservatives throw a tantrum and lie to themselves.
I've always seen like, the exact opposite. Liberals seem far more prone to violence and being butthurt over things imo.

the only fair judgement is to say that, generally, liberals will think that conservatives get butthurt too easily and conservatives will think that liberals get butthurt too easily

the only fair judgement is to say that, generally, liberals will think that conservatives get butthurt too easily and conservatives will think that liberals get butthurt too easily
yeah this