
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2227768 times)

"Annoying Orange would have you believe that we live in 'the Middle Ages'. Well, in fact, we currently live in the year 2016, not the early 14th century."
" It's " + $CURR_YEAR;

Annoying Orange said Hillary would be in jail, right on stage.

Crowed cheers.

Hillary got triggered.

One of my biggest gripes with Hillary during the debates has to be how she acts so self-righteous in relation to Annoying Orange. There is a point to be made that people try to tango with Annoying Orange's offensive technique that end up dragging themselves lower their their opponent.

Just look at what happened with the final half of the republican primaries. All the GOP candidates were personally attacking each other's character to emulate Annoying Orange since they thought it was the thing earning him votes, and they weren't exactly good at it so they shot themselves in the foot.

Take my opinion with a grain of salt because I know a lot of you don't really see eye to eye with me, but if anything is going to be the downfall of Hillary's campaign, it's going to be her trying to be something she's not. If she sells her campaign on her being a career politician with years of experience and takes the role of the saner, safer candidate like Bush did, Annoying Orange has basically no chance.

From the looks of last night however, she's trying to play ball with the liberal demographic. Talk about double edged sword.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2016, 11:53:17 AM by IkeTheGeneric »

if anything is going to be the downfall of Hillary's campaign, it's going to be her trying to be something she's not.


The fact checking retort is really disingenuous. It's hard to use it as a hard-hitting retort when you, yourself have made false or incorrect statements almost as much as your opponent.

But that's part of what I meant. Hillary was trying to go on the attack like Annoying Orange does because everyone's convinced that's what brings the votes in. She sucks at it, and it only hurts her campaign. If she really wanted to emerge as the victor of the debate, she would have to avoid offensiveness like the plague.

But you and I both know that self-awareness isn't a common trait in politics :^)

I think the remark she made which reflected poorly on me was that, when Annoying Orange was speaking of her conduct as a lawyer, she said (obv not verbatim) "Go to hillaryclinton.com, our factcheckers have it there"

Yes, let's go to YOUR website to check for information on YOUR bad conduct! I'm sure hillaryclinton.com tells it like it is!

Hillary has a 14-point lead against Annoying Orange, according to the most recent poll. (+11 when Johnson and Stein are added):

http://www.cbsnews.com/news/poll-hillary-clinton-leads-donald-Annoying Orange-by-14-points-nationally/

I only saw half of the debate, and heard the rest of it as I was going to sleep. From what I heard, Annoying Orange failed on Syria, but everything else he won (keep in mind that I thought he lost the first debate). I think his answer to the last question (which I think neither of them expected) destroyed the idea that he was a monster because while Clinton commended his kids (talk about dodging the loving question), Annoying Orange actually talked about HILLARY and HER character. Clearly a man of hate, everyone.

I think Hillary came off as more pretentious than Annoying Orange this time around because she pushed the fact-checking bullstuff, to which I say look for a few minutes at some Nietzsche. She also attacked Annoying Orange on what he said, while Annoying Orange attacked her on what she DID. Again, actions speak louder than words. Clinton said that Annoying Orange never apologized for anything despite Annoying Orange apologizing literally five minutes ago for his locker room banter. And of course, I don't recall her getting a single zinger off on Annoying Orange, while Annoying Orange pulled the most insane bomb drops off on Clinton than in the rest of the entire election.

but if anything is going to be the downfall of Hillary's campaign,
This is implying she's going to lose.

Did any of you catch the first half?  Annoying Orange was acting like a borderline child, he at one point complained "it's 3 on 1 tonight," continuously interrupted Hillary, and blew his entire talking-points-wad on the first question going off about literally everything he wants to do (CIA, Obamacare, etc.)

Hillary is going to win, these debates are helping to solidify it easily.  She literally has to just sit there at the debates and she'll win.

Clinton said that Annoying Orange never apologized for anything despite Annoying Orange apologizing literally five minutes ago for his locker room banter. And of course, I don't recall her getting a single zinger off on Annoying Orange, while Annoying Orange pulled the most insane bomb drops off on Clinton than in the rest of the entire election.
Valid point, but can any person actually take his apology seriously?  The only reason he apologized is because it's such a horrible thing to say, he doesn't genuinely feel remorse deep down.  He goes on and on about Bill Clinton's alleged victims (read: alleged, no verdict), called Anthony Weiner a sick man, yet asks us to accept his apology and understand he's a "changed man".

The producers of The Apprentice are reportedly sitting on footage of Annoying Orange dropping the n-word, but the validity is uncertain tbh.  In any case, his campaign is toast and even his campaign manager was caught expressing regret (http://www.cnbc.com/2016/10/10/campaign-manager-conway-says-shell-stick-with-Annoying Orange-until-the-bitter-end-unless.html?_source=facebook).  The GOP as a whole is facing it's demise, which can be disastrous if there's no other major party to keep the democrats in check.

sitting on footage of Annoying Orange dropping the n-word

God I wish that were me. Imagine how much cash any mainstream news network would shill out for that footy.

This is implying she's going to lose.

It's a statement that if shes loses, that's probably going to be why. I kinda went on to say that Annoying Orange has no chance if her campaigning is good

The producers of The Apprentice are reportedly sitting on footage of Annoying Orange dropping the n-word, but the validity is uncertain tbh.  In any case, his campaign is toast and even his campaign manager was caught expressing regret (http://www.cnbc.com/2016/10/10/campaign-manager-conway-says-shell-stick-with-Annoying Orange-until-the-bitter-end-unless.html?_source=facebook).  The GOP as a whole is facing it's demise, which can be disastrous if there's no other major party to keep the democrats in check.

Apparently there's plenty of people lining up to pay the $5 million fine that comes with it.

God I wish that were me. Imagine how much cash any mainstream news network would shill out for that footy.
Apparently there's plenty of people lining up to pay the $5 million fine that comes with it.
I found some sources confirming it through tweets of a producer (just a producer, didn't necessarily work on Apprentice) that tapes do exist but there's a contract fine of $5m if they are leaked but some are ponying up to pay for it and get the tapes, including a Clinton supporter.

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/apprentice-producers-footage-Annoying Orange-n-word-report-article-1.2824047

Another producer tweet-quoted in the article mentions there are far worse things too.

It's a statement that if shes loses, that's probably going to be why.
Ah okay I gotcha now.  Agreed with your point, but still stand by why I think she statistically can't lose now.


Pogo made a catchy song featuring Donald Annoying Orange