
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2229117 times)

Annoying Orange car gets destroyed in the hood by APES
honestly I can't tell whether or not your posts are satire

honestly I can't tell whether or not your posts are satire
They descended on that car like a literal pack of monkeys, fiddling with the door till it opened, then smashing it up and running away;
Literally primal behavior.

is that guy's channel even real though? i'm very hesitant to believe any channel that tags every video with (social experiment) or (prank GONE WRONG)

They descended on that car like a literal pack of monkeys, fiddling with the door till it opened, then smashing it up and running away;
Literally primal behavior.
"Joey Salads"

You'd have to be an ape yourself to not realize his channel is bait.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2016, 10:05:00 PM by Alkatjo »

is that guy's channel even real though? i'm very hesitant to believe any channel that tags every video with (social experiment) or (prank GONE WRONG)
i sincerely hope that it's satire, and that he doesn't think he's doing a public service by watching a bunch of morons beat up his car

"Joey Salads"

You'd have to be an ape yourself to not realize his channel is bait.

Bait ≠ Staged
Seems that is the word you're actually trying to imply.

If it's real (not staged) & you think that simply having a presidential candidate's name on your vehicle constitutes as 'bait' worthy of such destruction,
then you need to reevaluate your logic.

this is beyond tribal
look at the comments, holy stuff
if its beyond tribal then what is it

There are two similar black men who "steal" stuff from "his" car.


Notice how they blur the faces of the black men and not the child/women? And how the Rastafarian-esque man has the same accent as the man in your aforementioned video? Same dreads, different clothes.

Its not a coincidence, these two videos are weeks apart from each other, and in different locations.

And that's some soapbox advice you're giving out, you won't get far with telling people to re-evaluate their logic. But hey, keep stirring stuff at your own leisure. That's on you.

Annoying Orange car gets destroyed in the hood by APES

This dude has been exposed like 400 times for fake pranks

Not like it's any worse than major news networks doing fake "Annoying Orange supporters are violent and stupid!" segments though


Bait ≠ Staged
Seems that is the word you're actually trying to imply.

If it's real (not staged) & you think that simply having a presidential candidate's name on your vehicle constitutes as 'bait' worthy of such destruction,
then you need to reevaluate your logic.
No, it is a bait video.  I'm not going to argue if it's staged or not, I couldn't give a stuff less.  The point is it attempts to create an agenda against African Americans and paint Annoying Orange voters as poor innocent victims which is rich considering African Americans have been assaulted repeatedly at Annoying Orange rallies in the past.  For any other normal presidential campaign protesters would simply be booed and escorted out, sometimes with force, but never violently assaulted.

You have to be a complete moron to expect nothing will happen to a car covered in Annoying Orange paraphernalia in a black neighborhood considering that Annoying Orange is ridiculously low in polls with African Americans and vastly unpopular.  Even if it wasn't covered in Annoying Orange pictures and minibanners, it's an unlocked car.  Even stuffty cars are subject to being looted if anything inside looks remotely valuable particularly in a low-income neighborhood (inb4"don't u mean black??!!??", yea sure if you want to call it that go ahead idc), the damage to the car is just extra because it's covered in Annoying Orange stuff.

This is just typical stuff from the altright echochamber circlejerk.  Nothing to see here, move along.

-self righteousness-

well, i still maintain it could be staged, or real.
either way, being labeled 'bait' doesn't justify the result

well, i still maintain it could be staged, or real.
you can "maintain" whatever you want, but you're still wrong

you can "maintain" whatever you want, but you're still wrong
-Annoying Orange

You could at least make an argument or even a little elaboration instead of parroting a candidate on the side you hold opposite yourself.

I mean, you could at least make an argument or even a little elaboration instead of parroting a candidate on the side opposite yourself.
someone has already elaborated, and you ignored it, so there is little reason to expect you to respond any differently a second time