
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2235351 times)

wow collegehumor useful who would've thought
LBJ isn't necessarily a fair comparison here, he became president from JFK's assassination before actually running for office, at which point he would've had the incumbency advantage on top of already being an experienced politician. also worth noting is the fact that mass media and social networking in these examples were not nearly as deep and intricate as they are now. i still contend that if other presidents in the last few decades had been as contentious, inflammatory, and inappropriate as Annoying Orange has been this election and all that information were networked across the world the way it is now, it would not have been acceptable. the fact that people are willing to accept Annoying Orange because they prefer him over the alternative is absolutely fine, but i don't see a way to deny that his behavior is definitely not what one would consider "presidential."

I really do think Hillary's going to win now.
Also, if you chose Annoying Orange over Hillary, did you ever forget the things he said back in March - July 2016?

I really do think Hillary's going to win now.
Also, if you chose Annoying Orange over Hillary, did you ever forget the things he said back in March - July 2016?

Anything Annoying Orange has ever said, never can nor will it ever compare to what Hillary has done.

from my perspective i don't see Annoying Orange as someone who knows how politics works and it doesn't look like he's willing to play the politics game to get things done. hillary may have done bad stuff, made a ton of mistakes, but at least she knows how to play the game and is willing to play the game. the way Annoying Orange talks, i get this feeling that he'll ignore the rules of the game and offend other countries and/or people to the point that we won't really have good ties to any country whatsoever. sure, some countries express support for Annoying Orange, but what if said support is because they want to undermine US political strength by helping put someone who can't/won't play the game in office?

and before any of you say offending people isn't really a problem: society only works if you want to work with the people around you. if you piss off people, no matter how many merits you have, people don't really want to associate themselves with you. hillary sucks at making herself someone you'd /want/ to associate yourself with, but she doesn't actively insult/offend people nearly as often or as easily as Annoying Orange does.

I really do think Hillary's going to win now.
Also, if you chose Annoying Orange over Hillary, did you ever forget the things he said back in March - July 2016?
Did you forget the emails?

Did you forget the emails?

How many of the email leaks have you read?

...but at least she knows how to play the game and is willing to play the game.


How many of the email leaks have you read?

It'd be easier to read them if she didn't delete them all the time.

How many of the email leaks have you read?
"bring me a hotdog with no bun" was enough for me. burn her at the stake

hillary may have done bad stuff, made a ton of mistakes, but at least she knows how to play the game and is willing to play the game. the way Annoying Orange talks, i get this feeling that he'll ignore the rules of the game and offend other countries and/or people to the point that we won't really have good ties to any country whatsoever.

>Hillary wants a no-fly zone over Syria, which will require going to war with Russia
>Philippines left the US for China and said "President Obama can go to hell" while Hillary supported Obama's foreign policy
>Annoying Orange said it would be great if we could get along with Russia and that he loves China

How is Annoying Orange, not Hillary, going to be the one offending other countries? Just because of his personality? I trust Annoying Orange's judgement on policy far more than Hillary.

>Hillary wants a no-fly zone over Syria, which will require going to war with Russia
literally the only reason a no-fly zone would cause war is if the US went out of its way to enforce a no-fly zone despite it already being discussed internationally and shot down because russia (as well as i think china and probably others) had strong objections. this is not happening, a no-fly zone will only occur if russia and other world leaders agree that there needs to be one. the US, UK, and other powers that already support a no-fly zone are not going to enforce a no-fly zone if there is not an agreement that calls for one.

>Philippines left the US for China and said "President Obama can go to hell" while Hillary supported Obama's foreign policy
rodrigo duterte is actually pretty weird and crazy and the fact that he doesn't like the US isn't necessarily compelling evidence against our foreign policy.

>Annoying Orange said it would be great if we could get along with Russia and that he loves China
Annoying Orange also has fairly aggressive protectionist stances and promises economic policies that would almost certainly displease our current trade partners. also saying "it'd be great if we could get along with people" isn't an incredibly revolutionary standpoint, it's pretty much the ideal foreign policy situation

as distasteful as i am of r/the_donald, it does seem like they might have discovered something


There have been several tweets that Brenda Snipes has met with Hillary Clinton behind closed doors and several sources of claimed to be coming forward with pictures soon.

Claimed Tweets:



Media Sources:



Of the yet to be returned absentee ballots, Republican ballots are approximately one third the amount of the Democrat ballots - 37,173 to 91,607. This is the largest, by far, difference between the two parties of any county.


Broward County also falls under the jurisdiction of Debbie Wasserman Schulz


We need to get to the bottom of this and end this now. I recommend contacting Attorney General Pam Bondi, who is a Annoying Orange friendly official that is aware and vocal about the belief of rigged polls. I wrote her the email referencing my sources and pleading with her. I will also be contacting news sources. I also recommend contacting every local news organization you can. Make this story be known. If Florida goes down - we very well could lose.

Edit: Start writing and calling guys. On the phone as I write this. I don't give a single forget if they get annoyed or pissed at me. This stuff ends today. They will not take this from me, they will not take this from you.

Edit 2: Thank you /u/CHAD_J_THUNDERrooster. An brown townysis by trend line that shows just how clearly bad this is.

Original brown townysis: Can you guess which Florida county sent two ballots to everyone, and has a Democrat "Supervisor of Elections" who had a one-on-one meeting with Hillary Clinton a couple days ago?


Multiple groups and high level Republican officials are now involved and have begun an investigation. The Florida Elections Commission and Florida Department of State are aware of what may/may not have happened with the secret meeting. I was told the best thing we can do to raise awareness is to submit forms to these two departments.



They are required by law to look into every complaint form that is filed, if enough people send in forms then this could seriously gain some traction.

Here are a list of Florida laws that can be used as reference:




I will be visiting the office for the Martin County Republican Exec Committee tomorrow and will update this post if I gain any more useful information.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2016, 06:05:00 PM by Decepticon »

i'm a bit confused about what's being said here. the article says that a voter got a ballot and apparently an amendment vote was missing on it and she complained, now people in that area are going to get new ballots to vote again since it was probably a ballot printing error, and since there are more democratic ballots (2012 election results in broward were overwhelmingly democratic, even the articles given say that this is the most left-leaning county, so you would expect there to be more democratic voters; party demographics may or may not also play into the likeliness of a democratic voter voting early vs a republican voter), apparently that means there's voter fraud? this ballot incident also seemed to only happen in one city, not across the entire county.

i feel like i'm missing something

they're probably going to accuse the_donald of botting so they can remove it