
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2243776 times)

you know what's better
how about we don't draft anyone at all and let people make the choice of joining the military or not
i was literally about to post this
please abolish the selective service system and the requirement to sign up for it when you turn 18

are people forgetting that the draft is literally the most unlikely thing ever which means that yes you have a 100% choice whether or not to join the military

the bill literally just says "hey, in the extremely unlikely case that a draft ever happens, let's include everyone."


gg buzzfeed, letting random people post stuff on your website without vetting is such a good idea

are people forgetting that the draft is literally the most unlikely thing ever which means that yes you have a 100% choice whether or not to join the military
so anything unlikely to happen that is still considered wrong is now okay?
that makes no sense

if it is even a policy then no you technically don't have a 100% choice

so anything unlikely to happen that is still considered wrong is now okay?
that makes no sense

if it is even a policy then no you technically don't have a 100% choice
is it wrong to include women in the military, or the draft? its not like they're changing any draft regulations that stipulate "50% of people drafted must be women" or somestuff.

is it wrong to include women in the military, or the draft? its not like they're changing any draft regulations that stipulate "50% of people drafted must be women" or somestuff.
never said it drafting women or women being in the military was wrong so idk what you're getting at
i'm saying the draft concept itself is wrong in general

so anything unlikely to happen that is still considered wrong is now okay?
that makes no sense

if it is even a policy then no you technically don't have a 100% choice
The draft is one of those things that was put in place because of how things were before. Sending masses of lightly trained footsoldiers is not something we do anymore. I assume the only reason it's still in place is because nobody actually wants to go through the effort to abolish it, or in the again extremely unlikely circumstances that we revert back to WW2 style war, which is less likely than Gary Johnson winning in a landslide victory and appointing Vermin Supreme as his VP.

The draft is one of those things that was put in place because of how things were before. Sending masses of lightly trained footsoldiers is not something we do anymore. I assume the only reason it's still in place is because nobody actually wants to go through the effort to abolish it, or in the again extremely unlikely circumstances that we revert back to WW2 style war, which is less likely than Gary Johnson winning in a landslide victory and appointing Vermin Supreme as his VP.
but there is still a chance due to it being a policy therefore it is not ok
also apparently there is attention on it due to the wanting of it applying to women so it might just happen again one day

but there is still a chance due to it being a policy therefore it is not ok
also apparently there is attention on it due to the wanting of it applying to women so it might just happen again one day
The only reason it's legislation now is to get brownie points from ideological supporters. She knows that most people who oppose it don't care about it much at all and that people who support it are more likely to support her because of it.

Yeah, as it stands we'd be better off without a draft, but guess what,


watch you say this and then a draft happens

The women supporting this probably do so thinking that women are currently illegible to sign themselves up for active duty.

watch you say this and then a draft happens

I'm currently typing past a barrage of communist gunfire outside.

never said it drafting women or women being in the military was wrong so idk what you're getting at
i'm saying the draft is wrong in general
in that case, i don't think ipquarx was trying to justify the draft - just stating that even though its there its pretty much never going to happen given modern society/warfare technology.

but yeah, clarification.
either way, while it still exists, its not entirely or fundamentally wrong to include women in the draft so long as draft policies dont change and appropriate consideration is given to women with families/children. getting rid of it is an entirely different question, and something that although could be done, may not really be worth the time or effort since, as its been said, its almost certainly never going to happen.

edit: well ip explained it already woops

but yeah, clarification.
either way, while it still exists, its not entirely or fundamentally wrong to include women in the draft so long as draft policies dont change and appropriate consideration is given to women with families/children. getting rid of it is an entirely different question, and something that although could be done, may not really be worth the time or effort
once again you assume that i do not support women to be allowed in the military for some reason??
you know what's better
how about we don't draft anyone at all and let people make the choice of joining the military or not
where are you getting this please inform me

+ if we have the time to modify the draft to include women why not use that time to abolish it, and why even modify it in the first place if a draft will never happen

watch you say this and then a draft happens
Do you realize how immensely stupid sending millions of lightly trained footsoldiers to any modern conflict would be? It's not happening. Even if Riddler himself arose from the grave and started invading Poland a draft would not go into effect. Wars are not fought that way anymore. Listen, I oppose the draft too but the chances of it happening in our lifetimes are, as I said, smaller than Gary Johnson winning in a landslide victory and appointing Vermin Supreme as his VP. It's not something that needs immediate attention compared to for example, yknow, the frickin economy

smaller than Gary Johnson winning in a landslide victory and appointing Vermin Supreme as his VP

That would be beautiful

drafts are a last-resort policy. they're there as a big red panic button and the reason they aren't going away is because there's an incredibly, immensely small chance that, maybe, we'll need one in the future. as it stands, our military is probably more than sufficient for any current wars we might want to fight. the future is uncertain, voluntary military participation may, at some point, drop to levels low enough that we are unable to fight a war effectively, in which case a draft would be necessary for our own survival as a nation. but nobody wants to be the one to press that button, because it's basically asking for people to stop trusting your government.

the inclusion of women in the draft is an acknowledgement of the fact that women are now allowed to hold combat positions in the military. if women are eligible to participate voluntarily on the basis of equality, then it is reasonable that they should also be candidates for involuntary service just as well as men. the fact is, of course, that the draft is bad for everyone, and everyone knows it.