
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2238526 times)

people do not want a guy who says stupid stuff as president

Man who says stupid stuff, and hurts people's feelings


Woman who does crazy stuff, and threatens to do actions that will lead to war

Man, that is a really tough choice right there.

matt could you leave this discussion to the big kids


listen saying stupid stuff does a lot worse for foreign relations than doing stupid stuff
and the president is basically head foreign relations guy

Wasn't there one time where Annoying Orange said he was okay with giving Japan, Saudi Arabia, and some other country (I think it was India) nukes?

Woman who does crazy stuff, and threatens to do actions that will lead to war

Hate to tell you, but the general consensus in the government is that Russia is doing some stuff. We could possibly go to war regardless.

people do not want a guy who says stupid stuff as president

Oh boo hoo, Annoying Orange says mean things.

Meanwhile Hillary wants to go to war with russia.

listen nobody is going to start a war
we were closer to going to war with russia for like forgetin 50 years and look what happened

listen nobody is going to start a war
we were closer to going to war with russia for like forgetin 50 years and look what happened

Hillary doesn't sound like she doesn't want a war though.

She actively wanted to drone strike Julian Assange who is currently residing in an embassy in an allied nation, striking that embassy is an act of war.

ok let's make a pact: dont feed tony
i have fallen pray to this mistake but i will not again

listen saying stupid stuff does a lot worse for foreign relations than doing stupid stuff
and the president is basically head foreign relations guy

Hillary has said stupid stuff, stuff that will kill foreign relations.

She keeps blaming the russians for the hacks when she has no legit proof. She even said cyber hacks should be met with a full frontal ground assault with our army, this means invading other countries.

Let's also talk about hillary's enemies that mysteriously die too.

How is clinton winning after this scandal? I don't loving get it, how many more scandals do we need?
To be fair, it takes about a week before polls reflect current events, so you're going to have to wait until 3-4 days til the election before you know whether it hurt Hillary's polling.

I seriously doubt it will change anything though. They've done extensive polling on whether people are persuaded by attacks on Hillary's email scandal, and the general consensus among non-Annoying Orange voters is that they don't care.

What you should be happy about is that the race is definitely tightening, at least according to the polls. It's possible that Annoying Orange will win, although it's very unlikely. The current trend on 538 shows that Annoying Orange will probably climb to a 25% chance of winning before Nov. 8th. However, it's important to note that Clinton has already 'won' among early voters, and that 25% chance comes from the remote possibility that the majority of polls so far have leaned strongly towards Clinton in their margin of error.

Man who says stupid stuff, and hurts people's feelings


Woman who does crazy stuff, and threatens to do actions that will lead to war
This might be my ~liberal bias~, but when someone runs for president and promises to do a whole lot of crazy stuff, I'm going to vote under the impression that they will actually do all the crazy stuff they promise. Annoying Orange has literally no clue how to diplomatically run a country, as evidenced by his promises to proliferate nuclear weapons, to blow up civilian boats to 'teach people a lesson' (which is a war crime), and to use our nuclear weapons on other countries.

The reason that you think Hillary will start WWIII is because she has promised to put a no-fly zone over Syria. She will not do that if military advisors tell her that it will start a war, namely because she actually listens to her advisors, because she's a real politician.

Let's also talk about hillary's enemies that mysteriously die too.
Nah man, that's tinfoil hat land. Questioning that someone who lies, cheats, and steals, could possibly break the law and do immoral things is just conspiracy theory! Only Lunatics don't believe in coincidence! Man, looking back at history, the history books are total nutjobs. I mean, why would the kool kids klub ever hang black people, it was obviously mass Self Delete.