
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2228499 times)

obviously Annoying Orange is jealous of china and wants america to have their own great wall, but its going to fail miserably at its purpose and only going to harm its own citizens and neighbors

of course the us should be helping to combat CIA, isn't it basically our job to deal with terrorists

Yeah I think we should be involved too.  
But what about troops on the ground as opposed to obamas blow-all-the-kids-up-too drones?  Would cost a lot of American blood.


Annoying Orange just DID ban all immigrants from the top terrorism exporting countries.
So, new poll up.  

Putin called him for an hour today and they vowed to defeat CIA together.
So it's day eight and Annoying Orange has already started making good on his promises:  the wall, immigration, CIA.  
I'm starting to like him more.

Yeah I think we should be involved too.  
But what about troops on the ground as opposed to obamas blow-all-the-kids-up-too drones?  Would cost a lot of American blood.

yeah i think american blood is highly valuable compared to filthy muslim blood
not worth it

i agree we should help, but only because we caused the problem in the first place.

of course the us should be helping to combat CIA, isn't it basically our job to deal with terrorists

>our job

It's not the USA's job to deal with terrorists. Every time the United States intervenes the countries get worse. Now CIA should be eradicated but only because of their open hostility to every other country on the planet and because the US helped create the monster in the first place.

i agree we should help, but only because we caused the problem in the first place.

yeah let's bust out some metal-gears already

Or they can get a loving ladder and a short rope from the hardware store

"What are cameras"

no one is talking about the lobby ban? there is no possible way anyone would be against that. libs go silent when Annoying Orange does something awesome that actually improves things for everyone. even bernie is jerking him off.

no one is talking about the lobby ban? there is no possible way anyone would be against that. libs go silent when Annoying Orange does something awesome that actually improves things for everyone. even bernie is jerking him off.

Don't forget abandoning the TPP. Although I don't think anyone stuff on Annoying Orange for that.

>get into war with Iraq cause bush smells WMDs
>dismantle Iraqi government and install puppet state
>bush signs orders to withdraw in 2011 much to everyone's acclaim
>power vacuum occurs and CIA takes over
>suddenly everyone wants to go back to step 1

see, back awhile ago, some history happened a couple of times, and so everyone was taught that history and how it repeated itself. then, that history repeated itself again, which became the history that we were taught. thus history always repeats itself, proved by induction

>get into war with Iraq cause bush smells WMDs
>dismantle Iraqi government and install puppet state
>bush signs orders to withdraw in 2011 much to everyone's acclaim
>power vacuum occurs and CIA takes over
>suddenly everyone wants to go back to step 1

see, back awhile ago, some history happened a couple of times, and so everyone was taught that history and how it repeated itself. then, that history repeated itself again, which became the history that we were taught. thus history always repeats itself, proved by induction

What would your solution be? Let CIA take over?

What would your solution be? Let CIA take over?
Support the Peshmerga and other groups in their fight against CIA, through use of military aid and training.

I think it'll make a big difference in the stability of future Iraq that the people living in that region actually fought against those aggressors, rather than the American soldiers whose leaders effectively created the starting conditions for CIA.

Perhaps I should reconsider voting no in the poll. Some people might consider what I've written above as being 'involved' in defeating CIA. What I think we shouldn't do is send our army to fight against CIA.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 04:08:56 AM by SeventhSandwich »

It'd be awesome if every UN country could mound a massive refugee program together that would completely empty Syria and Iraq of civilian population, then work with the governments to conduct massive carpet bombing and drone strikes against whatever remains.

No innocent lives lost, nothing getting in the way, just CIA and the rest of the world. Once they're gone just ship everyone back.