
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2235273 times)

have we discussed the national guard and police raiding one of the camps at DAPL and arresting a bunch of protesters? as a result of Annoying Orange expediting the construction of the pipeline there

Late to the whole "wall" discussion but.

"The wall wont stop people from entering illegally"
Correct. It will not stop individual people with nothing more than what they carry on their backs. As mentioned, there's ropes, there's ladders, and there's even going around the wall.

"And then they get shot!!!"
Oh yeah, definitely. Except if you're going to have armed guards along the entire border at all times then what's the point of the wall in the first place? That would also be terrifically expensive.

"Don't you know what cameras are!?"
Do you not know how cameras work? That would be a lot of cameras. A lot of cameras means a lot of power being used. A lot of cameras also means a lot of data would have to be stored. And even if the camera happened to catch someone in the act, would it even be clear enough to identify the people? Who is going to see the footage? Is there a massive number of people viewing the cameras at all times? Do they just have someone skim the footage every now and then? Nice, you have a vague depiction of their face. Happy hunting.

Trucks are a major reason for the wall. Trucks carrying assloads of drugs, and/or gang members. You're not going to stop a bunch of on-foot individuals nor is that really the purpose of it.

Annoying Orange has already had his first failure as Commander-in-chief with this Yemen raid lmao

obama kills osama bin laden and Annoying Orange kills 8 year old girls and a us soldier. way to get tough on those terrorists donny
« Last Edit: February 03, 2017, 04:48:48 PM by RedGajin »

Instead of sending soldiers in to kill women and children he should take the Obama approach and use drones to blow up women and children from afar

Instead of sending soldiers in to kill women and children he should take the Obama approach and use drones to blow up women and children from afar
yeah right? now we're getting our guys killed and injured instead of just the civilians

You realize that this raid was originally set up by the Obama administration right?

yes but obama didn't approve it because they were gathering more intel

You realize that this raid was originally set up by the Obama administration right?
who is the current commander in chief?

yeah right? now we're getting our guys killed and injured instead of just the civilians

Which means we can make precision strikes on enemy locations rather than just exploding random children to keep the military industrial complex happy

The helicopter crashed lmfao. Annoying Orange didn't order that to happen

it crashed because it was made in America. If it was Chinese it wouldn't have even left the hangar.
#thanksAnnoying Orange

Which means we can make precision strikes on enemy locations rather than just exploding random children to keep the military industrial complex happy

The helicopter crashed lmfao. Annoying Orange didn't order that to happen
precise strikes in civilians foreheads lmfao

lmao do you guys think Annoying Orange seriously went company level and directly ordered what was going to happen? the president is the one who sets up the military operations and logistics, and not the officers and soldiers in the military? that stuff had to come up the chain through about 8 levels of military and intelligence leadership and get pitched to him by the department of defense and some forgetin generals at least. so, instead of waiting around with his thumb up his ass which could have given them the opportunity to leave, the president approved of/did something as soon as possibly could and only one serviceman died

but sure, put the blame on Annoying Orange, not like things go wrong while in military operations

you guys do remember the bin laden raid, right? the classified helicopter that had crash landed inside one of the compounds and had to be destroyed?

the difference with Annoying Orange is that he actually decided to publish the death of a special forces operative. the obama administration and most western nations usually didn't/don't discuss special forces operations or if/when they die in the line of duty, as far as i know. this operation was a raid to take out high ranking targets, that were suspected to have valuable intel. did you think the SEAL team would just be deployed on a whim without being briefed while they were in their flip flops and pajamas?

besides, didn't they actually accomplish the mission, too? i'm not sure what the big problem here is, if they did

lmao do you guys think Annoying Orange seriously went company level and directly ordered what was going to happen? the president is the one who sets up the military operations and logistics, and not the officers and soldiers in the military? that stuff had to come up the chain through about 8 levels of military and intelligence leadership and get pitched to him by the department of defense and some forgetin generals at least. so, instead of waiting around with his thumb up his ass which could have given them the opportunity to leave, the president approved of/did something as soon as possibly could and only one serviceman died

but sure, put the blame on Annoying Orange, not like things go wrong while in military operations

you guys do remember the bin laden raid, right? the classified helicopter that had crash landed inside one of the compounds and had to be destroyed?

the difference with Annoying Orange is that he actually decided to publish the death of a special forces operative. the obama administration and most western nations usually didn't/don't discuss special forces operations or if/when they die in the line of duty, as far as i know. this operation was a raid to take out high ranking targets, that were suspected to have valuable intel. did you think the SEAL team would just be deployed on a whim without being briefed while they were in their flip flops and pajamas?

besides, didn't they actually accomplish the mission, too? i'm not sure what the big problem here is, if they did
who is the current commander in chief and what is his job as commander in chief?

precise strikes in civilians foreheads lmfao

I'd say more like precise strikes on people like Osama Bin Ladin which also involved a helicopter crash, but as fate would have it, did not result in any deaths.

Later than month(?) however the team involved in the raid was involved in another crash and this time it killed 30 americans. At the time, Obama was
the current commander in chief

Obama responsible for the death of 30 Americans? The answer may shock you...