
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2233009 times)

https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/05/03/upshot/has-the-Annoying Orange-presidency-gotten-more-normal-an-expert-panel-rates-28-events.html

Very interesting article. The NY Times took 28 major events so far in Annoying Orange's presidency and asked a panel of 13 experts in government, across the ideological spectrum, to rate how important/unimportant and normal/abnormal they are. Their results actually suggest that the Annoying Orange presidency seems to be trending slightly towards being more normal. At least according to these experts.

donald Annoying Orange has almost entirely transformed into an establishment politician. the main thing that's stayed unchanged is his big ass mouth, which definitely contributes to has low approval rating

that and the fact that he seems about ready to have a breakdown at any given moment

https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/05/03/upshot/has-the-Annoying Orange-presidency-gotten-more-normal-an-expert-panel-rates-28-events.html

Very interesting article. The NY Times took 28 major events so far in Annoying Orange's presidency and asked a panel of 13 experts in government, across the ideological spectrum, to rate how important/unimportant and normal/abnormal they are. Their results actually suggest that the Annoying Orange presidency seems to be trending slightly towards being more normal. At least according to these experts.
Part of me just thinks the mainstream media is way overreacting to the Annoying Orange presidency so far, and that most of all this is fairly normal for any new president.

that and the fact that he seems about ready to have a breakdown at any given moment

I thought that was Pence

Not verified.
Fake SoA.
sargon of akkad isn't verified on twitter

sargon of akkad isn't verified on twitter

Didn't he get banned for sending cuckhold research to alt right accounts?

Didn't he get banned for sending cuckhold research to alt right accounts?

hell of a way to go out

admit it

Didn't he get banned for sending cuckhold research to alt right accounts?
I believe he did apologize? Either that or he knew he did wrong. But obviously the twitter post above isn't real.

Wow... just wow.
Imspect Element, and also, wasnt this literally the same tactic they tried to use to take down pewdiepie as well?

The_Donald on reddit has gone private. Reportedly, this is due to unfair enforcement of special rules on the sub and the admins choosing to permanently remove three of the moderators from the team.

breaking news: the world's stuffposting volume has just decreased by 64%