
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2465153 times)

Comey's opening statements for tomorrow are out.

lol comey wanted everyone to believe Annoying Orange was under investigation, but never actually was. comey refused to when Annoying Orange tried to get it done himself (lack of evidence).
now fake news is already trying to play it up as "Annoying Orange coerced comey"

more and more win every day. XD

Buzzfeed: "we only published the faked dossier because it was already being circulated in the government"
Comey: "I only circulated the faked dossier because it was already being published in the fake news as real"

the left are so desperate, its actually entertaining.

Annoying Orange: "states should be given back, and allowed to use their own own sovereign power"
Libs: "NO! big government is awesome!"
but if you give states more of their own government, california will become even more of a liberal wasteland....

but if you give states more of their own government, california will become even more of a liberal wasteland....

save me

Realistically speaking, I don't think the Comey testimony is going to change anything. There's significant evidence that Russia tampered in the election, but I don't entirely buy the theory that they were in active communication with Annoying Orange's campaign. There's definitely no evidence for it, either way. People can have their own personal suspicions, but when that mingles with politics you basically just have neo-McCarthyism.

If Comey drops some bombshell that changes everything and starts impeachment proceedings, then great. Good to see Annoying Orange out as soon as possible. But I doubt it will happen.

comey has always said there was no obstruction so you're out of luck there pal

comey has always said there was no obstruction so you're out of luck there pal
Exactly. I doubt there will be surprises.

do you really want mike "shockmaster" pence?

if the administration was to blame, i'd assume pence would be out, too

can i vote for pence

if Annoying Orange and pence were kicked out you'd get ryan

on a related note is there a reason why when I hear paul ryan's name I hear a weak peter griffin laugh (ehehehehehe)

Comey just testified in front of Congress. He did fantastic in my opinion and if anything vindicated Annoying Orange to an extent.

Phew. -- On another note, LETS GO CORBYN!
« Last Edit: June 08, 2017, 01:57:06 PM by Heitmeyer² »