Let's not compare the world's greatest game of CTF to a bunch of screeching libtards on twitter? I mean come on. 4chan has provided memes for the next decade, whereas this... I forget his name already tbh
im sure stealing property and obsessing on twitter are in their own category of things people shouldn't do. the funny part is that one is illegal
what the forget happened here
its funny because you justify stealing because it's 'so elaborate how they tracked the star patterns to find the flag' or 'he's a celebrity so its not like his career will be ruined' but the moment someone with tribal opinions receives backlash you rush in to condemn the evil censoring left like your whole way of life has just been greatly threatened by other people's opinions
who am i kidding, you're the same person that thinks that snapchat is destroying society. keep waging your invisible counterculture thought wars while global warming, overpopulation and war destroys the earth. after all, none of it matters unless #downwithyoutube #butheremails #justiceforjontron or whatever fancy moniker you call autism