
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2359252 times)

i literally cant believe that we dont have $15 minimum wage already. im a 28 year old redditor with 2 bachelors degrees and a phd and the only job i can get is at mcdonalds

people shouldn't make careers out of minimum wage jobs lol

the system meant for people to switch in and out of those jobs to get a start for themselves, but job security laws forgeted that over and now we have people vying to stay in the same stuff job instead of moving on to the next for more experience

honestly I'm for higher minimum wages in that they'll make complete automation come so much quicker

honestly I'm for higher minimum wages in that they'll make complete automation come so much quicker
i feel like that would begin a witchhunt against robotics manufacturers much like against illegal immigrants for some people. maybe on a smaller scale but people would definitely not be happy about it

i definitely didn't think about it that way though, that's an interesting thought. you can change the minimum wage but you can't change employers' willingness to retain their employees (unless they forget it up even harder with harsher job security laws)

"fake news doesn't exist"
drumpf is done it's over for him, MUH PUTIN MUH RUSSIA

@leisuresuit, mczealot, and seventhsandwich

i feel like that would begin a witchhunt against robotics manufacturers much like against illegal immigrants for some people. maybe on a smaller scale but people would definitely not be happy about it

i definitely didn't think about it that way though, that's an interesting thought. you can change the minimum wage but you can't change employers' willingness to retain their employees (unless they forget it up even harder with harsher job security laws)
I have two jobs making minimum wage and I don't support raising the minimum wage because the type of stuff I do at my job is something that can easily be automated (and some retail chains already are automating it) and if the minimum wage raises, I'll go from 2 jobs to 0.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2017, 07:40:29 PM by Cappytaino »

I'm giggling too hard rn this is beyond delicious

but sev is ok though

I'm sorry what

Alright, let's play "academic economist" for a moment, shall we?

The ability of minimum wage to equalize distribution of household income is limited at best. Or, in plain English, raising the minimum wage will not change the percentage of total income which goes to minimum wage employees (minimum wage is typically about 55% of the median income) (Brown, Charles; "Minimum wages, employment, and the distribution of income"; pub. 1999)

A 10% increase in minimum wage causes a decline of 1-2% in employement in Teenagers and a decline of 1.5-2% in Young Adults. In other words, raising the minimum wage will cause employers to become more unwilling to hire the exact types of people that minimum wage jobs are intended to help (young people joining the work force and gaining experience) (Neumark, David; Wascher, William; "Employment Effects of Minimum and Subminimum Wages: Panel Data on State Minimum Wage Laws", first published October 1st, 1992)

Raising the minimum wage may not always have a quantifiable effect in declining employment numbers, but will significantly reduce future job growth. (Meer, Jonathan; West, Jeremy; "Effects of the Minimum Wage on Employment Dynamics" Pub. 2015)

The general consensus appears to be that raising the minimum wage may correlate to lower rates of employment among young adults and teenagers. Even if this effect is not immediately visible, it will manifest in the form of slow growth in future years.

Minimum wage raises therefore actually hurt most of the people working those jobs (more than half of all minimum wage workers are between the ages of 16 and 24) due to either disincentivising employers to hire these workers, or causing growth to slow, leading to less new jobs for those workers.

Raising the minimum wage also does not help to redistribute income, as the effect on the percentage of overall income which reaches families in which the main provider works for minimum wage is negligible as evidenced by the first study.

So tell me again why exactly Seattle is on to something genius here raising their minimum wage? And how exactly is Seattle a model of "responsible government spending" in any, way shape or form?
« Last Edit: June 28, 2017, 08:15:38 PM by Cappytaino »

logic snip

You know this is going to go in one ear and right out his stuffter why even bother

You know this is going to go in one ear and right out his stuffter why even bother
because if he doesn't listen to me, a minority born into abject poverty on an Indian reservation working 2 minimum wage jobs and busting my ass to maintain scholarships to go to college, sitting here and telling him that raising the minimum wage would hurt me directly, then he wont listen to anyone at all.