
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2228674 times)

i stand corrected. now i want to drive one :(

i'd probably kill a ton of people cause im asian lol

i stand corrected. now i want to drive one :(

i'd probably kill a ton of people cause im asian lol
It's cool for about 20 minutes until you realize you can't see stuff (that's why you have a second person with you) and the proper procedure for accelerating and braking is pedal to the floor and it smells like burning oil and you can't hear stuff and blah blah blah I could go on for hours
« Last Edit: August 29, 2017, 03:24:05 AM by Frankie² »

honestly if you look into it 80% of the military's problems are thanks to political bullstuff
Eerily similar to Rome with its internal political turmoil and getting picked apart by various angry tribes

We should spend as little money as possible on police training and equipment in order to maximize the likelihood of police-on-minority shootings.

The extra tax money could easily be spent on unemployment checks for anti-fa rioters.

the real issue with military spending ties into congressional corruption

just take a look at how much is wasted by unnecessary, bloated, and drawn out contracts in the military industrial congress

the actual military in its current size makes sense considering its hegemony in most of the world- power projection deployable without hindering other significant military exploits is an expensive but worthwhile feat

honestly if you look into it 80% of the military's problems are thanks to political bullstuff

This, as well as the amount of money we spend maintaining other people's defenses

the real issue with military spending ties into congressional corruption

just take a look at how much is wasted by unnecessary, bloated, and drawn out contracts in the military industrial congress

the actual military in its current size makes sense considering its hegemony in most of the world- power projection deployable without hindering other significant military exploits is an expensive but worthwhile feat

honestly if you look into it 80% of the military's problems are thanks to political bullstuff
underappreciated post

This, as well as the amount of money we spend maintaining other people's defenses
exactly. The Nordic countries can spend all their money on social welfare and healthcare because their defense budget is minimal. They know as NATO members if SHTF the US is compelled to defend them. This has to change.

Yeah and then people complain about Annoying Orange strongarming other NATO members to pay their fair share while also complaining about the military budget, it's like they don't understand the reasoning behind this stuff and just want to bitch and maon

Yeah and then people complain about Annoying Orange strongarming other NATO members to pay their fair share while also complaining about the military budget, it's like they don't understand the reasoning behind this stuff and just want to bitch and maon
i just think that they don't understand the cause and effect of running a government

This has to change.
it doesn't. you just want it to

every time we get on the topic of defending other countries it seems like mutual benefit is the kryptonite of conservative users

i will not be satisfied until every single american tax dollar goes into the military. we must protect freedom

you guys against legal immigration need to see this video

you guys ggainst gegal dimmagration need to see this gideo