
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2228763 times)

it doesn't. you just want it to

every time we get on the topic of defending other countries it seems like mutual benefit is the kryptonite of conservative users
Defending the Nordic countries (Sweden in particular) is of no mutual benefit. They're loving themselves over right now because their economy is beginning to struggle on account of the growing numbers of unskilled workers and the lack of vacant unskilled jobs for those workers. The relative scarcity of qualified laborers will become an issue, and Sweden's ability to maintain their comparative advantage in automobile manufacturing and iron production remains to be determined.

NATO is a relic of the Cold War and at the time, the United States wasn't concerned with the expenditure to defend other NATO members, as having allies in case of war with the Warsaw Pact nations/USSR was more important.

At the current moment, there is no need for this. The United States possesses the world's premier fighting force and it is absolutely no contest. The two closet countries in "firepower" are China and the Russian Federation, but neither is batstuff crazy enough to fight the United States in a direct war.

Quite frankly, NATO is antiquated and a money-sink. It would be fine if every country was paying relatively the same percentage of their GDP for mutual defense, but that isn't how NATO works in reality. Other countries such as Sweden are just mooching off of the alliance without contributing (5% of their budget goes towards defense vs 54% of the US budget)

Quite frankly, the threat of another World War is low at best, and it likely would be nuclear, meaning we're all forgeted anyway, hence why maintaining NATO is a questionable use of money.

People are criticizing Annoying Orange over Hurricane Harvey
This is amazing

People are criticizing Annoying Orange over Hurricane Harvey
This is amazing

Riddler wore pants and Annoying Orange also wore pants they're exactly the same guys

what interesting stuff are you gonna stuff on now leisure

what interesting stuff are you gonna stuff on now leisure
if previous posts are any indication, it won't be the IRA

what interesting stuff are you gonna stuff on now leisure


if previous posts are any indication, it won't be the IRA

the ira is fantastic they haven't even bombed anyone lately

if previous posts are any indication, it won't be the IRA

U talkin stuff m8

is that you in the middle

is that you in the middle

Im the guy on the left with the cool shades

you're too handicapped to put the cloth low enough so you could actually see through the glasses :/

you're too handicapped to put the cloth low enough so you could actually see through the glasses :/
