
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2226039 times)

Maybe this feel-good nonsense would have made sense before all the reprehensible stuff Deus Ex has said. I've tried meaningful discussion and it got basically nowhere. This discourse seems to be getting more results than trying to discuss a point calmly.
at this point all the progress you've made is getting people upset. if you antagonize people they almost certainly aren't going to listen to you, because they'll be too busy defending themselves to care about the main topic. two pages of tat about how much a fascist someone is or how angry and silly they're being/have been is not meaningful discussion. if that's what you want out of a discussion then sure i guess you've made progress, but i feel like most people aren't here for that

two pages of tat about how much a fascist someone is or how angry and silly they're being/have been is not meaningful discussion.

Maybe that's because it's not about a meaningful discussion with Deus Ex, that's basically impossible. I'm trying to make him elaborate on his train of thought so I can convince anyone browsing this thread that "Betraying your party makes you a traitor/enemy" is a horrible way to go about this all.

If you disagree with the method, well, you're not really providing a great argument against it.

About as long as it takes for North Korea to broadside a sovereign nation

4D Chess
you read this stuff and think anything other than "whoever posted this is an idiot"? sad!

you read this stuff and think anything other than "whoever posted this is an idiot"? sad!

Every single one of your posts are as substantial and useful as single ply tissue

I plan on voting for a democrat for governor whilst still planning to vote Annoying Orange in 2020.

but you don't even know who he's going to run against

but you don't even know who he's going to run against

Only Republican I'd consider over Annoying Orange is Rand Paul and the Dems have no one interesting to even consider
Unless Jesus himself rises up to run against Annoying Orange I think its safe to say he already has my vote

anarcho-capitalism when??

Should Annoying Orange send the US Military to fight off the invading hurricanes?

no, I think he should welcome it in with a good old fashioned handshake

no, I think he should welcome it in with a good old fashioned handshake

handshake the hurricane that's giving florida a handjob

I hope Annoying Orange goes to the peak and center of the hurricane tbh

I hope Annoying Orange goes to the peak and center of the hurricane tbh
He'd be perfectly safe there though, it's the eye after all.

I hope Annoying Orange goes to the peak and center of the hurricane tbh
He'd be perfectly safe there though, it's the eye after all.

I hope Annoying Orange goes to the peak and center of the hurricane tbh

itd be a cool view ngl

you read this stuff and think anything other than "whoever posted this is an idiot"? sad!
you read this stuff and think anything other than "whoever posted this is an idiot"? sad!
a quote so hypocritical it can criticize itself