
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2355086 times)

Also, I read the study, and it doesn't actually conclude that physically weaker men are more likely to be socialists. They measured, by questionnaire, how much people approve of certain social groups holding dominance over others, and their affinity for large-scale economic redistribution. After controlling for time spent in the gym, they found a significant correlation between 'body formidability' and support for social group dominance, but found no correlation between body strength and affinity for economic redistribution, which is what we would actually describe as 'socialism'.  

But completely ignore the methodology and look at who was actually being measured here. The study looked at 171 college-age males and found that the stronger ones had more conservative values. You know what that tells you? It tells you that gym-rat frat boys are less friendly to socialism. Does that surprise you at all?

Repeat said study with new measurement variables and you'll probably find that support for socialism is correlated with higher GPA, better liver function, and a decreased chance of taking a spontaneous diarrhea dump behind the Zeta house at 2AM.

Cappytaino confirmed to be FAKE NEWS by renowned blockhead SeventhSandwich


Cappytaino confirmed to be FAKE NEWS by renowned blockhead SeventhSandwich
It's not like the study is false, it's just being editorialized and misinterpreted.

socialists are friends anyway

It's not like the study is false, it's just being editorialized and misinterpreted.

like most actual fake news (which is more common from the unsavory right than the unsavory left traditionally)

1: take study

2: cherry pick study

3: abuse anything open for interpretation

4: lie through omission

Cappytaino confirmed to be FAKE NEWS by renowned blockhead SeventhSandwich

I mean what else do you expect when you post the most bullstuff claim over literally nothing that was designed to rile people up

Study reveals roughly half of shooters voted Democrat once... Democrat Party resigned!

Not directly relating to Democrats, but it's been found that physically weaker men are more likely to be socialists than stronger men.

And yet conservatives still can't get laid

socialists are friends anyway

Lamest post ever

And yet conservatives still can't get laid

wew lad thats alot of projection.

wew lad thats alot of projection.

My man here still can't get it up

My man here still can't get it up

You have erectile dysfunction as well? Are you like an alt of grimlock or something?

Are you like an alt of grimlock or something?


lol what the actual forget

Click bait title check reasonable point comparing two tropical storms check