
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2238060 times)

well as it turns out it's actually pretty difficult to prove gerrymandering in practice, so oftentimes it happens and it's just not challenged. there's a lot of politics around gerrymandering obviously and a lot of people have very little incentive to do anything about it, and the people that do are the ones that are getting forgeted over and deprived of representation

You can't tell me that this is difficult to prove

I mean forget this looks like Sudetenland if it was an independent country.

this some real stuff?
is there even any way to interpret this as anything other than gerrymandering?
real, but this is one of those really unintuitive cases where it looking like stuff is actually serving a purpose. This district is meant to represent hispanic voters, it goes along the edges where there are more hispanic people living.

This is really just building off what Seventh said, there's no real geometric argument to be made about gerrymandering. Demographics that may want a representative say in the vote aren't necessarily distributed in nice shapes.

7 0 %  h i s p a n i c

You can't tell me that this is difficult to prove
Some districts are funky because they're gerrymandered, some of them are like that because of legitimate zoning issues/geography/whatever. Just saying "this looks gerrymandered" isn't enough of a codified definition to be put into law. You have to say something like 'x amount of angles/contours in x amount of miles' or something similar if you want to use the geography of a district as evidence for gerrymandering. That turns out to be extremely difficult.

Maryland has some pretty forgeted up districts, both them and Illinois are the two only notable states gerrymandered by Democrats

Same with Pennsylvania and North Carolina (until very recently)

"hey jerry i got a great idea for a new district"
"what is it"
"see that stain on the floor over there"

"hey jerry i got a great idea for a new district"
"what is it"
"see that stain on the floor over there"

"aw stuff i stepped into it"

"no that's fine"

its well known that the boundaries of districts are determined via Rorschach paintings

Easy: Just disallow liberals from being able to define boundaries and gerrymandering will stop

Easy: Just disallow liberals from being able to define boundaries and gerrymandering will stop

Yeah, liberals are the ones who constantly gerrymander districts and disenfranchise voters

Maryland and Illinois are exceptions to the rule, it's almost always Republicans that use voter surpression tactics such as gerrymandering, reducing the number of polling places and voter ID laws
« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 09:25:58 AM by LeisureSuit912 »

< unironically repping WaPo

Always knew you were a fake news shill

Maryland and Illinois are exceptions to the rule, it's almost always Republicans that use voter surpression tactics such as gerrymandering, reducing the number of polling places and voter ID laws

"we need to do background checks on people buying guns"
"doing background checks against voters is voter suppression"

you go girl

"we need to do background checks on people buying guns"
"doing background checks against voters is voter suppression"

you go girl

This is a bad comparison and only blinkered idiots think this way

Background checks on gun sales are needed because of rampant gun violence
Voter ID laws are made to combat "voter fraud", something that basically equates to a myth in America and is only used a mechanism against black and Latino voters

Voter fraud and gun violence are both products of the malignant left

This is a bad comparison and only blinkered idiots think this way
Voter ID laws are made to combat "voter fraud", something that basically equates to a myth in America and is only used a mechanism against black and Latino voters

If you need an ID to donate blood you should need an ID to vote
If you can't get an ID you shouldn't vote
It's not rocket science and it's not hard to get proper ID it literally takes about an hour at the MVC