
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2355102 times)

what about menendez

more like what about Bill loving Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States

cant tell if you’re serious there nuke lol

honestly though i thought it would be commonly understood that outing someone else as a piece of stuff doesnt make someone else any less stuff. people dont compare Gritty Grapnel and las vegas and suggest one is worse than the other - both are terrible events that never should have happened. same goes with terrible forum members: just cause unova stuff on raccooner, or isnt as annoying as him, doesnt make unova a better person

what about bill nye though

do you think that people in the 80s and 90s thought that TV shows with all-black casts were virtue signalling

Hey ho selective judgement based on political affiliation. Imagine that.

i think we're all forgetting an important key point here
what about benghazi?

Hey ho selective judgement based on political affiliation. Imagine that.
Is your brain as smooth as your kid's ass?

what about menendez

more like what about Bill loving Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States

I hope Melendez gets found guilty and Bill Clinton is a piece of stuff molester

Now what about Roy Moore

What the forget is a Goy Moore?

I thought the senate race was in 2018

I thought the senate race was in 2018
AL is having a special election on dec 12th to fill the seat that was opened when sessions left for the white house. for reference the reason i care at all is because i live in AL and also because roy moore is a Scoundrel and a Bastard