
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2235164 times)

I like a lot of Trudeau's policies, but that definitely makes him look like a scummy politician.


"I like being a socialist robot because the cool college kids are doing it" basically.

wow i didnt realize liking a persons specific policies on an issue made you align with them 100% on all other issues thanks guys
is everything black and white to you? seriously?

"I like being a socialist robot because the cool college kids are doing it" basically.
That's some top-tier reading comprehension. Real great stuff. I would give you a gold star on the class reading board.

"I like being a socialist robot because the cool college kids are doing it" basically.
this is "I like all non-progressive political action because it makes liberals cry" but less disgusting

this is "I like all non-progressive political action because it makes liberals cry" but less disgusting
politics are a game and its all about making sure your team wins, apparently

libertarians are the best example of self righteous ultra-competitive numbskulls who believe their stance is the Rick and morty of politics

For proof, look no further than our friends deus ex and corderlain

>using an accused child enthusiast to further your poltical agenda

"I like all non-progressive political action because it makes liberals cry"
yeah this sentiment is why political discussion goes nowhere on here and there's like one person (tactical nuke) who isn't a troll and doesnt do that stupid ass stuff

yeah this sentiment is why political discussion goes nowhere on here and there's like one person (tactical nuke) who isn't a troll and doesnt do that stupid ass stuff
I'm pretty conservative and I don't see myself as a troll but I don't post here much for that exact reason. There's very little rational discourse and open-minded discussion that doesn't devolve into ad-hominem or immense strawmanning.

>using an accused child enthusiast to further your poltical agenda
tfw people are willing to believe pizzagate but roy moore being a child enthusiast is too far fetched

wow i didnt realize liking a persons specific policies on an issue made you align with them 100% on all other issues thanks guys
is everything black and white to you? seriously?

Uhh, what do you think it means to say you like a lot of someone elses policies? Do you think it means they mostly disagree with the individuals platform or mostly align with the individuals platform?

Maybe my reading comp isn't as good as yours and I'm missing something here, but you could have just clarified that trudeau has a bunch of objectively agreeable policies? (IDK if this is true or not. I know nothing about Canada).
« Last Edit: December 04, 2017, 04:27:52 PM by Rykuta »

tfw people are willing to believe pizzagate but roy moore being a child enthusiast is too far fetched
yeah but it's hilraryr clintton....

I don't like hillary or Annoying Orange, and bernie dropping out of the election was dumb. 0/10, awful election