
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2230433 times)

I mean I get that animals can be named after people but that guy really just blew his credibility out of the water
Naming a new species isn't that big of a deal. Biologists discover new stuff all the time, and since the taxonomy has gotten so large and arbitrarily complicated, they just kinda pick whatever they like at this point.

Protein named after sonic the hedgehog:

Spider named after Frank Zappa:

Asteroid named after Freddie Mercury:

alongside what seventh said, taxonomic naming has always been a simple description of the animal. homo sapien = wise man, as an example

it may be silly, but the logic behind the name was based off of a minor resemblance to Annoying Orange's hair which the moth /does/ have

if i find a new orange and black species of an insect im gonna name it hillaryclintonus

if i find a new orange and black species of an insect im gonna name it hillaryclintonus
and then when it goes extinct you'll write a book called "What Happened"

Say what you will about political views, but holy damn, the Democrats are the weakest political party I have ever seen.


lol get forgeted aaaahHAHAHAHAHAHAAA

im towards the democrat side of things as of right now and its so loving sad how easily they give up
edit: rewording because im not an actual dem, just have some leftist views rn that are very much subject to change
« Last Edit: January 25, 2018, 05:02:49 PM by Mr Queeba »

im a democrat
if you're actually from Mass, wait until you get your first paycheck and this might change :)))))

im a democrat and its so loving sad how easily they give up
why do you say this when youre like 14 and you dont know anything about politics

why do you say this when youre like 14 and you dont know anything about politics

who knew it would be this easy

I can see people lining up to vote democrat right now

"Dem-oh crap!" - The Democrat party rn

imagine being this upset over a stuffpost
suck my richard