
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2227763 times)

Man gotta feel bad for all the victims of knife violence in the UK :(

Let's ban all knives

"The perpetrator of Wednesday's horrific school shooting in Parkland, Fla., purchased his military-style assault weapon legally. So did the man who shot more than 400 people in Las Vegas in October."

If the journalist isn't going to bother naming the type of gun that was used then it is clear that they have no clue what they are talking about and should be disregarded.

- A picture of an AR-15 is literally at the top of the article.
- This isn't an op-ed or an editorial piece.
- This article quotes several experts who are well-informed about the subject and are able to back up their claims with evidence.

People will still be people. Take their guns away and the next news article will be '400 stabbed in fatal school stabbing'

See leisuresuit banning their tools won't do anything

Even if potential shooters turned to other weapons, research shows that attacks with guns are five times more likely to be lethal than attacks with knives. Do you really think the kid in Florida would've been able to kill as many people with a knife or a baseball bat? That's dumb.

Man gotta feel bad for all the victims of knife violence in the UK :(

Let's ban all knives

Excuse me sir but you need a permit to own that butter knife

400 beaten in deadliest mass beating in US history. Fistman beat 400 others before beating himself to death.

Next article: fist control - will it save lives

2/3 of voters want stricter gun control laws now, but I guess democracy isn't good when you disagree with the result, right?

believe me, that'll die down pretty quickly

If you knew about "the black market" you would also know that almost all gun crime is done using legally purchased weapons. Also that the amount of gun deaths would be significantly reduced if assault weapons were banned, as previously mentioned.

and in big democratic cities like detroit and chicago, where there are ridiculously strict gun laws, gun violence is out of control

I know shootings like this are not politically convenient for pro-gun conservatives like you but there's overwhelming evidence stricter gun control would lead to less gun deaths overall.

and if we banned planes you'd be fifty quadrabazillion times more likely not to die from a plane crash but that doesn't make it right

400 beaten in deadliest mass beating in US history. Fistman beat 400 others before beating himself to death.

Next article: fist control - will it save lives

I know you're posting in bad faith but

its significantly less easier to commit a Flash Mob with a loving knife

- A picture of an AR-15 is literally at the top of the article.
- This isn't an op-ed or an editorial piece.
- This article quotes several experts who are well-informed about the subject and are able to back up their claims with evidence.

So you want to ban semi-automatic guns on top of automatic guns. I get that you are handicapped and all but you must understand that this would be impossible to uphold in the united loving states.

Even if potential shooters turned to other weapons, research shows that attacks with guns are five times more likely to be lethal than attacks with knives. Do you really think the kid in Florida would've been able to kill as many people with a knife or a baseball bat? That's dumb.

What about cars? What if someone decided to go on a hit and run rampage like they do in europe?

Guys, did you know there is a thing called a nail bomb, where you take improvised explosives and add nails for a fragmentation effect. I think we need to shut down LOWES, they are supplying terrorists and Flash Mobers.

I know you're posting in bad faith but
breaking news: 32 dead in ongoing mass roasting. Frightened eyewitnesses recall "that poor kid was wearing Crocs to school and the shooter roasted him so hard. He keeps coming at us. My best friend took some hits for his hairline. #prayfordouglas"

breaking news: 32 dead in ongoing mass roasting. Frightened eyewitnesses recall "that poor kid was wearing Crocs to school and the shooter roasted him so hard. He keeps coming at us."

They are gonna need to ban fists after I'm done throat-punching you for stealing my memes

believe me, that'll die down pretty quickly

The only reason support for gun control goes down is because the issue is discussed less after news coverage moves on from mass shootings

and in big democratic cities like detroit and chicago, where there are ridiculously strict gun laws, gun violence is out of control

Because, like fireworks, you can go to the next county or state over and buy them there instead. It's hard to implement gun control laws if they aren't nationwide.

and if we banned planes you'd be fifty quadrabazillion times more likely not to die from a plane crash but that doesn't make it right

What makes it not right to ban assault weapons? If you have more kids dying because some crazy brings in an AR-15, I say it's wrong that your solution is not doing anything

They are gonna need to ban fists after I'm done throat-punching you for stealing my memes
sorry but I'm a proud American, I'll stand my ground. I've been trained in fist self defense

sorry but I'm a proud American, I'll stand my ground. I've been trained in fist self defense

Bring it, I'm trained in jew-jitsu

Reminder that Leisuresuit has never fired a gun in his life

Hey hickok45 here, just on the range about to smoke some liberal mondays