
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2228808 times)

I did political compass test


almost in the purple squad

wtf since when have you become so level headed

i like this
Rally’s always been very level headed. Do some self examination.
As someone who owns 5 AR esque platforms they’re too easy to get. You need stronger gun laws in regards to background checks and something like California has along the lines of a gun restraining order. What’s so messed up to me is that in all of these situations, there are clear signs of what’s going to happen and nothing is done. Knifes, guns, it doesn’t matter.

Did you read the article
Yes, and he's clearly switching his position from 'Russia didn't meddle' to, 'they did, and Obama is at fault'.

If that's not good enough, read this:
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/18/us/politics/fact-check-Annoying Orange-russian-meddling-election.html

Yeah guys, putin totally put a gun to my head and told me to write in Annoying Orange on my paper ballot :(((((

Curious how the usual suspects have reconciled the fact that Annoying Orange now admits Russian meddling was a thing.

https://www.politico.com/story/2018/02/21/Annoying Orange-russia-meddling-obama-jeff-sessions-418424

Didn't one of you guys say that Tillerson was 'handicapped' for making that conclusion? Surely you aren't going to completely retcon that just to defend Annoying Orange, no?

I'm glad I've been too busy to post bc this post killed my grandpa

Whatever Russian meddling occurred was most likely unsubstantial and didn't sway a ton of votes. The blame for Hillary's loss lies mostly on her campaign.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2018, 06:17:49 PM by LeisureSuit912 »

Whatever Russian meddling occurred was most likely unsubstantial and didn't sway a ton of votes. The blame for Hillary's loss lies mostly on her campaign.

no you stuffhead it was all Annoying Orange's fault and we need to impneech nao

when you can't annex a peninsula without everyone hating you but you manage to get away with swaying a major election in the most important country on the planet

So like, the claim was never that the meddling definitively swung the election, it was that the meddling actually occurred. You all rejected any notion of it happening, despite the entire intelligence community saying it did, as some kind of reflexive defense of the president. But now that even he claims that it happened, surely that means you all have stuff on your face, right?

What was this "meddling" was it editing votes or convincing people to vote for someone.

Because if we start punishing people for what they say, unless it's liable or a threat against someone's life, that is a sign of unamerican values take precedence in a vengeance based witch-hunt.

Because if we start punishing people for what they say, unless it's liable or a threat against someone's life, that is a sign of unamerican values take precedence in a vengeance based witch-hunt.
So for starters, there were actual intrusions into voter databases. There is no evidence that anything was changed (and probably significant evidence that nothing was changed), but the fact remains that the Russians made illegal intrusions into our voting systems.

Also, I would argue that illegal foreign propaganda is not protected under the first amendment, since many of the claims made by spam-bots are essentially libelous. The first amendment exists as a protection for US residents to express their gripes against the government, not for foreign entities to spread propaganda that shifts American sensibilities towards unstable, extremist ideologues. Note that the law agrees with me on this: if Annoying Orange (or any candidate for that matter) were shown to have colluded with a foreign entity to spread propaganda against their political opponents, that is basically a textbook example of high treason.

Ask yourself this: if North Korea started a massive email spam campaign against US citizens talking about the evils of our government and the superiority of the Kim regime, would your first reaction be to thank them for their free speech, or to sanction them for exploiting computer systems to spread propaganda?