
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2355182 times)

Why is Annoying Orange so suddenly pro-chinese jobs after months of anti-chinese rhetoric?

To make fair trade agreements, both sides gotta benefit. He prob doesnt care at all, but it just has to be done.

he used the nationalism to gain support but he's actually realized that the most beneficial plan is to maybe not be isolationist as forget

Ah yes, more classics from his bipolar diplomacy handbook

he's actually realized that the most beneficial plan is to maybe not be isolationist as forget

i thought his planned attendance to the korean peace negotiations kind of gave out the hint at the very least

-realized this is kinda a moot point since its not like it'll be confirmed or denied by anyone lol-
« Last Edit: May 14, 2018, 07:29:13 PM by Drydess »

Are people seriously getting upset at that?
you can't take tactical nuke's political posts at face value. people are upset because the decision means agreeing with israel that jerusalem belongs to them and not to palestine


And I have never been to court for my use. Not because of any privilege, but because I dont get caught.

 Criminals arnt smart and do everything in life the wrong way. I I havnt done a thing different that any black person couldn't have if they wanted to.

And none of this is related to you NEEDING a victim for your entire political outlook to even exist.
at least you admit youre dumb now

it's not illegal if you don't get caught

it's not illegal if you don't get caught

now i understand why you guys dont think Annoying Oranges egregious breach of constitution is a big deal . . .


literally can you even tell me what's wrong with splitting jerusalem between the powers that both have legal right to it for differently reaosns

literally can you even tell me what's wrong with splitting jerusalem between the powers that both have legal right to it for differently reaosns

one of them is a state run by terrorists who hate jews

this is probably the worst post

if you fail to see the irony in germany not supporting a fully-Israeli Jerusalem you might just be legitimately autistic

literally can you even tell me what's wrong with splitting jerusalem between the powers that both have legal right to it for differently reaosns

because one group is a terrorist group with "kill all jews" in their official charter, plus they aren't a country