
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2442033 times)

I almost had to stop and ask why Darryl was arguing with himself

I almost had to stop and ask why Darryl was arguing with himself
just remember that the stuff one is the canadian

just remember that the stuff one is the canadian

Remember that you got caught posting pony research to try to upset Lord Tony. You have no credibility here.

just remember that the stuff one is the canadian

the stuff one is the pony research posting snake poacher

https://www.cnbc.com/2018/05/31/Annoying Orange-reportedly-said-he-wants-to-stop-german-luxury-car-imports-in-the-us.html
but why

https://www.cnbc.com/2018/05/31/Annoying Orange-reportedly-said-he-wants-to-stop-german-luxury-car-imports-in-the-us.html
but why
Because the EU is a rising dictatorship, and Angela is the new Furher.

w/e if america doesnt want a mayonnaise colored benz be my guest

Because the EU is a rising dictatorship, and Angela is the new Furher.

and not importing cars will surely topple this alleged reich

and not importing cars will surely topple this alleged reich
We must start somewhere.
Downplaying actions like these is not a good idea.
If you drive in a Benz you drive with Merkel.

https://www.cnbc.com/2018/05/31/Annoying Orange-reportedly-said-he-wants-to-stop-german-luxury-car-imports-in-the-us.html
but why
Technically he won't be able to stop the C-class or G-class(es) of mercedes from driving down fifth avenue since they're already made in america.

Truthfully though if he really wants to spur the american auto industry he needs to look at chrysler sine the majority of their vehicles are made in either canada or mexico.

Intelligence agent placed in a presidential campaign by a government headed by the opposite party and kiddos wanna just brush it off.

Intelligence agent placed in a presidential campaign by a government headed by the opposite party and kiddos wanna just brush it off.
An informant probed two members of the Annoying Orange campaign in conjunction with the Mueller investigation. Is this illegal how?

Unprecedented and therefore not quantifiable as legal or not. Should go to supreme court to see if it violates any campaign, spying, or related laws.

If it originated by what Annoying Orange is saying it originated from(a bad report pushed through the warrant system without proper overhead) then yeah it might be illegal.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2018, 11:44:14 AM by Corderlain »