
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2227255 times)

it sounds to me like you were just wrong and you're doubling-down on it

How in the world is that anything other than connotation vs denotation? Y'all brothers mad

the only thing im hinting at is that your country needs to fix their stuff unless yall are happy with the current rate of school shootings and prefer having those peasant europe countries joke about your political misfortune every day

Just gonna post this here for y'all to absorb

    There are always going to people who fall through the cracks, yeah. But it's more than that. It's just a culture problem. These people for gun safety and stuff only show up after there has been a shooting. Same thing with law enforcement. It takes someone to die for anyone to give a stuff for a few months and then they're back to their own little world.

     It isn't a gun problem. It's a culture problem. I hate how easy it falls onto "well just ban guns it'll get rid of the problem!" It won't. It's become the American way to find the easiest way out, even if it is right or wrong. Because time is money, right?

     Oh? This guy is getting bullied and pushed into a corner? Well. Not our problem, oh he got hit? Just suspend them both. He'll be punished for being assaulted.

     Oh? This guy has mental health problems? Just throw him into the class with special ed kids. He isn't our problem. Just keep him out of sight and out of mind.

     Oh? You're depressed? Stop being a little bitch and suck it up.

     Oh? You're poor? You can't afford medicine without going into debt? Well. It's your fault for being poor.

     Oh? You can't afford to pay the insane tuition fees to get a decent degrees? Well. Get a job you loving bum.

     Oh? You have to work two jobs so you can afford to live in a one bedroom apartment and get medical help? Well, thats your own fault.

     Oh? You don't want to work 7 days a week? What are you? Some freeloading socialist.

     Well. I know you're doing more than what you where hired to do at work. But you need to do these other two jobs without getting paid for them. No? You're fired.

     Oh? He went postal and shot up his work? Well. He was always quiet. Huh. I wonder why he'd do that..

      It isn't always 100% mental health. But it sure is a big loving problem. People are pushed on by every direction here, and you're simply expected to suck it up with a smile. 95% of the people here don't give a forget about your problems, unless in some way it'll affect them. Then they'll give you a hand until they're free of it, and they'll leave you in the dust. Then turn around and berate you for it. Mental Health? You're weak. You're shunned. You're poor? You're weak. You're shunned. Homeless because your house burned down? Your fault. Shunned. There is a reason why so many people here are poor and in debt. They attempt to live the high life. Because if you go out and you aren't wearing someone new? Everyone will judge you for it. I work at the Walmart Auto center right now, and I see so many people come in with brand new, nice cars or beat to hell cars that barely work and want a $20 dollar oil change for it, and they always sound ashamed to ask for it. Then only to get scoffed at by other customers or employees.

     A lot of people struggle to get by, but never try to show it. It builds up and up. People refuse to help other people because it makes them look bad. It's a mentality that is only being hammered in by our media and culture at every corner. "Oh! Don't look poor. Look at these mansions. But you'll never get here, so buy these outrageously out-priced shoes so you'll fit in with other people doing the same thing." Then following it with "Oh, You see these people? They're out to get YOU and they won't stop at nothing!" It's hammered in that you're pretty much a nobody, and to be anyone you need to spend, spend, spend, because if you don't! Those other spooky people who don't share the same views as you will get you. Buy buy buy. You're being attacked by these people you've never even met before. But they're bad, so buy more. But don't get sick, because if you're poor you're just as bad as them. But to buy, you need to work seven days a week, and never see your kids. Free time? Oh, no no. You need work more! Then when finally people snap it boils down to "Wow! Uh, Movies did this! Get those bad people who make movies!" When movies got more accepted? "Wow, uh! Video games did this! Get those bad people with video games!" When video games got accepted "Wow! Uh! Guns did this! Get those bad people with guns!"

     It's always a "Us vs them" mentality here. Everyone wants to feel big. Everyone wants to feel important. Because thats the American dream. Because you can spout non-sense and people listen to you, or you can shoot up a school. Either way, your face is on TV. You're remembered.

     Sorry for the long, and possibly unneeded rant. But I hate when this topic is just devolved down into "lol guns", its a far, far larger problem than that.

It's always a "Us vs them" mentality here.

what a sad sad forgetin' truth here honestly

The worst part about it is, this can really be said about most other hot button issues on the minds of Americans as of late. We have culture shock going throughout all fronts and infighting because America is a stupidly diverse melting pot of very polar ideals.

Gotta bring back nuclear family for structure and stability in kids lives. Gotta be there for them.

Gotta bring back nuclear family for structure and stability in kids lives. Gotta be there for them.
In my mind I thought you mean't uranium 235 instead of parents

if we stop handing out prescription drugs to kids like they're candy and endorse actual family values, that would make a pretty sizable dent in this "trend" if not stop it outright
« Last Edit: June 01, 2018, 02:12:38 PM by Tactical Nuke »

if we stop handing out prescription drugs to kids like they're candy and endorse actual family values, that would make a pretty sizable dent in this "trend" if not stop it outright
lean basically got me through high school. who needs family values when you got codeine and adderall


It is kind of weird being the only authority on children on the forum right now. Must be hard for you all to understand since you only know me from my time here.

It is kind of weird being the only authority on children on the forum right now. Must be hard for you all to understand since you only know me from my time here.
this is probably the funniest joke ive read this year. i gotta share this with all my friends

It is kind of weird being the only authority on children on the forum right now. Must be hard for you all to understand since you only know me from my time here.

You should probably get back to tending your kids

Gotta bring back nuclear family for structure and stability in kids lives. Gotta be there for them.
What Corderlain really meant by this is that he's tried of taking care of his kids and wants the real father to come back.

if we stop handing out prescription drugs to kids like they're candy and endorse actual family values, that would make a pretty sizable dent in this "trend" if not stop it outright
what are "actual family values"

Here you can see the standard reaction to it. I really do get it btw. It's a shocker. Didn't expect it would turn out the way it has but I'm glad it did.