
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2466190 times)

Lol this is great

I mean we already knew this but it's gonna be genuinely interesting seeing how they spin this


basically, obama and hillary used the fbi and cia to spy on and prevent Annoying Orange from winning. even faked evidence, hid their own, used overseas spies.
watergate is nothing compared to this lol. though more of these details are coming in the second report in few weeks.

this one goes into all the details of hillarys email server and all the laws she broke doing it, and all the fbi that helped her cover it all up.

I made it about halfway through that and I can confidently say you're all completely full of stuff. Are you banking on this being too long for people to read so they just take your word for it? Lmfao

Beyond that I couldn't find any further traces of Obama's conduct and there was nothing further on any laws she apparently broke. If you can't point out where it shines light on this schism to spy on Annoying Orange and prevent him from winning, I'd love to see it.

If you can't be bothered to check in the report go forget yourselves somewhere else thanks
>500 page report

idk i'd rather do something else in my time than taking a deep dumpster dive into DNC corruption

can you give me a tldr of what it's about at least
I mean we already knew this but it's gonna be genuinely interesting seeing how they spin this
« Last Edit: June 14, 2018, 04:46:06 PM by Aide33 »

can you give me a tldr of what it's about at least

There is an executive summary yo, it's only fourteen pages long.

1. Comey was forgeted from the start because there was absolutely no precedent to a case like Clinton's and he was flying blind. He made mistakes or misjudgments apparently but from the tone of the report, it doesn't seem like that big of a deal and that whoever made this report considers the investigation to still be as good of a job as it could have been.

2. The FBI was pissed off at Obama for making uninformed statements on 60 minutes that could have potentially cast doubt on the investigation into Hillary's email and a few agents from the FBI made comments about what they thought and why they were concerned about the potential for public opinion to interfere with the investigation.

3. Hillary's emails and email server was entirely unprofessional and the whole situation was fishy, and that while it could be likely that confidential information had been acquired by what the report disclosed as "Hostile actors", the report found that find sufficient evidence that the email system wasn't compromised, and that it was possible it was but there isn't really an easy way to tell.

4. The report details that the FBI's intention was to finish the investigation before the elections so they wouldn't interfere with the elections and looked into whether or not this meant the investigation had been rushed or if any details were glossed over to finish the investigation in time, and it ultimately concluded that if this was the case, it didn't impact the investigation from what they could tell. The must iffy thing was the FBI's decision to "Cull" Hillary's personal and work-related emails to make the load more workable, but it's hard to tell if this means anything important was glossed over because there were just so many documents to work through.

5. Three individuals were granted letter-use immunity for their testimony. This means if any of the individuals disclosed illegal information they knew, it could be used against them. From what I read this was preemptive to help the investigation, but this was touched on farther and I didn't have time to read beyond that.

In short, this report seems to be saying that Comey's "Midyear" investigation was about as good of an investigation as it could have been given their limited timeframe and that there could have been steps during the investigation where they could have done something better, or had made potential mistakes, but the tone of the report straight up positive towards the FBI's involvement.

I guarantee you everyone talking about all the illegal things this shines light on didn't read even an eight of the way into this and are only relying on what other people who are also full of stuff said about this.

edit: The most damning thing about this whole report is the parts on Comey being cited as insubordinate, but there was no bias found in the report and the report does not challenge the FBI's decision to not indict Clinton.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2018, 05:02:05 PM by IkeTheGeneric »

in other words, happy birthday mr president

Would have added to the edit but I just felt like making a new post instead; the long short of it is that Comey in fact did make mistakes and did make some, as the report says, "Highly unorthodox public statements."

The end result states that the mistakes Comey had made would have negatively impacted Hillary's campaign, not Annoying Orange's and that to further add to it, the report touches on whether or not Comey made those unorthodox statements under concern that the FBI would have appeared to be concealing information about the investigation if Hillary had won the election.

Also a tidbit in the report that all you people are missing, Clinton and her campaign straight up blame the investigation and the late disclosure Comey made as the reason why she lost the election. To reiterate, the mistakes in the investigation impacted negatively on Clinton's campaign, not Annoying Orange's. This is what the report was highly critical of the FBI about.

Oh yeah and the report also looked into the claims that the FBI conspired against Annoying Orange and directly states multiple times this is not the case and no evidence was found supporting this. Soo....

the stuff

because this is half the report. this one is mostly about hillarys server. obama's fbi abuse is next week. they mention it here but dont go into details yet.

because this is half the report. this one is mostly about hillarys server. obama's fbi abuse is next week. they mention it here but dont go into details yet.

I read the executive summary, which is basically an official tl;dr of the entire report. I know all the important details, just not the meat of it.

I'd probably have enough time to read the next report but honestly, I don't believe it's going to be anything truly important beyond a full report on why Obama's public statements during the investigation negatively impacted Clinton's career and the FBI's investigation. This entire report made it clear that Obama had no involvement in the investigation, and multiple witnesses stated in the report that no information had been shared with him, and proceeded to express frustration that he was making public statements about it anyways.

delicious denial

Come clean, you didn't read stuff. The summary is there for everyone to read, so if I'm wrong go ahead and point it out.

well lets be real here, no one is reading 500 pages of it. its hard to even skim or word search with any effect.

everyone is still trying to look into it, it JUST came out.

I'll probably set aside time to give a full read because the details surrounding the investigation are indeed interesting. The most damning thing this article points out is how loving dumb Clinton is.

The most damning thing this article points out is how loving dumb Clinton is.

in other words, happy birthday mr president
Thank you for your meaningful contribution to this discussion

I'll probably set aside time to give a full read because the details surrounding the investigation are indeed interesting. The most damning thing this article points out is how loving dumb Clinton is.
I do think we knew and agreed on this already LMAO

as for what's come out today(disclaimer: My dad is a lawyer and has been very interested in this case and has more or less predicted everything that's happened with spooky levels of accuracy, calls it the "biggest scandal in American political history by far)
I'm still going to withhold judgment on this situation until everything comes out. This whole thing looks so bad for everyone involved that it looks like it's going to be a bloodbath based on the information we know now. To me, it's really starting to look like there was a conspiracy, BUT the key to knowing if it is/isn't is how/who Muller grants immunity in all of these cases. That will be the telling thing, and if my suspicions are correct it's going to be a very bad look for those in the FBI/CIA/DOJ that are involved.