
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2446697 times)

Yeah. There's really no easy answer to this issue. It might end up being the economical issue that defines the next couple generations.
Ike’s spot on. The one thing I guess you could look at is the declining birthrate/children per household in the US as somewhat of a band aid? I
‘ an economics major and I’ve asked my professors about the issue of automation on the economy large scale and frankly I’ve never got a straight solid answer that I thought was feasable. The one thing I could see is a shift in the job market as automation does take over but that opens up a whole different and huge can of worms

maybe we could just kill all the baby boomers

Why does everyone hate boomers so much?

Why does everyone hate boomers so much?
they literally blow up babies, beachbum. that's their whole thing. I knew you were an alt-right extremist talibanite but jesus this is a bit much

Why does everyone hate boomers so much?

They're a generation from a time of easy-going entitlement that are now either at or past the age of retirement and haven't lost their sense of entitlement. They're such a large voting class that they're often the target demographic for politicians and their policies.

There's a great deal of resentment for baby boomers in the United States because they're not a particularly useful or well-educated generation statistically yet they have a disproportionate amount of voting power.

they literally blow up babies, beachbum. that's their whole thing. I knew you were an alt-right extremist talibanite but jesus this is a bit much

Wait theres an issue with this? We were just talking about how a declining birthrate is a good thing. Killing babies makes it even better

UBI or not I don't really care, but it's completely feasible to decrease the cost of living. corporations just aren't gonna do it
This is matthew level dumb. Of course corperations will, either through government incentives or just the fact that lowering production costs could allow them to undercut the competition’s prices while increasing their profits.

they literally blow up babies, beachbum. that's their whole thing. I knew you were an alt-right extremist talibanite but jesus this is a bit much
no they’re into inflation special interest ah la willymcnilly

This is matthew level dumb. Of course corperations will, either through government incentives or just the fact that lowering production costs could allow them to undercut the competition’s prices while increasing their profits.
at least until they aren't profiting enough and decide to make price fixing agreements

Most corporations at least at the top level understand the concept of wealth distribution and most likely aren't looking forward to the period in which anyone under the middle class has little to no spending power (Comparatively!), but also recognize how much money can be saved by automating the workforce in the long term.

Automation is a good thing if we prepare for it... Considering automation of the work force has already begun and we aren't preparing for it means we're going to eat stuff later. No real answer there for you, it's just not going to be good for us.

just what do you think the "life" part of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" means? cereal?

it has the same meaning it did 242 years ago (hint: it doesn't mean universal healthcare)

we all live 242 years ago

we all live 242 years ago

wow an internet commie larper missing the point. shock and awe

look at all that commie larping

we all live 242 years ago

if somebody 200 years from now reads my posts and deduces im in favor of universal healthcare, does that make me in favor of universal healthcare?

no, but it doesn't mean your opinion would still be relevant after 200 years