
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2359186 times)

Fox scotch mentioned it before I did.
there's no space in my name you hoe

also previous page was a good year

can we make it to 2018?  i think we can

there's no space in my name you hoe

also previous page was a good year
Just wait until we reach page 2016.

pretty dead and stale around these forums nowadays

people finally stopped caring so much about pointless internet political arguing

people finally stopped caring so much about pointless internet political arguing

There's nothing left to say

There's nothing left to say
idk about that since Annoying Orange is still in office and its not like he hasnt done anything lately

id guess nobody here was really truly invested in politics anyways, for better or for worse.

I'd be happy if this thread stuck to one page a year

Except there's already little enough activity around here

But I wouldn't be at all surprised if this topic contributed to people leaving

people finally stopped caring so much about pointless internet political arguing
i meant the entire forums, but yeah that too

Hey, so whats this stuff happening to Brazil right now?
And why is DT supporting it?

Hey, so whats this stuff happening to Brazil right now?
And why is DT supporting it?
Who cares let's talk about jews telling DT to piss off from Pittsburg

Who cares let's talk about jews telling DT to piss off from Pittsburg

Oh right that.
Didnt DT pretty much say that the shooting was the Jew's fault and that if they had an armed guard, they would have been safe? Idk, blaming the victims is kind of a scumbag move.

Also, the stuff going on in Brazil is important since DT supports their new president's views and claims to want to "work close" with Military, Trade, and "everything else".
https://twitter.com/realDonaldAnnoying Orange/status/1056885392522260480
If the new president's views are the "everything else", then color me worried.

Brazil huh? Whats to gain out of it...an exponentially large increase of murder rates? An influx on cocaine laced/richard biting spider bananas?

Maybe theyll neck felipeO_O

Who cares let's talk about jews telling DT to piss off from Pittsburg

Kill a couple of Jews and they start thinking they own the town