
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2351626 times)

nuclear energy could legit bring the US into complete energy independence so ...

Europeans don't get to talk about America until they stop getting arrested for bad words on Twitter

And yes I'm equating the UK to all Europeans, you all disgust me equally, none of are you without sin

they hate us cause they ain't us

Yes, because they're going to admit to money laundering.

Assuming you still have one, use your brain and think before just going with an article.

This is the equivalent of "Statistics show crimes against humanity in North Korea are low contradicting Humanitarian claims."

No stuff, why would they admit to doing illegal activities just to prove a point.
ah yes, it seems you didnt even read the article
If it happens on a state level it can happen on a larger scale

You can pull data for anything saying it's true or false, but logic would dictate if you try to tax people exorbitant amounts, people who can just... leave, they will.
You literally didn't even read the study you linked it says:

"this paper does not provide proof or hard evidence that high income and/or high net worth residents are leaving New Jersey because of high taxes."

I'm sorry that I'm literally posting facts to counter your claim, and you immediately dismiss it without reading it. Your argument is like "I can find two sides to the earth is flat theory that means it's all up in the air i win"

Companies do it by putting their HQs in different countries to skirt US corporate taxes. It's not rocket science. You can say they won't, but precedents are in place for it to happen. So I really don't give a stuff what the Guardian has to say on this.
Companies are not people, name me one billionaire that would rather stay in Guatemala because of taxes over LA.

By your logic, NY and California would be completely empty of billionaires and millionaires because they have some of the highest taxes but thats not the case is it?

I'm sorry that you guys feel that this is the case but reality is not so cut and dry

facts don't care about your feelings moron
« Last Edit: February 14, 2019, 02:29:44 AM by Aide33 »

Nuclear power is one of the stupidest ideas since people first had ideas effective or not
also we can agree this is the stupidest take of the century

the graphs is misleading. sue me. there's more than just that, if you want to get into semantics. for example the units are different for each graph. the rape reports uses units of 1 and the population graph uses units of 1 million. so obviously the population incline should be incredibly steep. still makes no difference in the statistics, it just means that at first glance it looks like there's a 1:1 proportion, when in reality its a 1000:1 relationship
the whole loving point of per capita is to model the whole population which would be impossible to gather statistics on without some government-run census. whether its increasing proportionally has nothing to do with the sample size or the fact that its per capita. its an assumed model, so if 25 rape cases happened in 1976 among those 100,000 people, its assumed that 2500 rapes happened among the 10 million people in the entire country. the margin for error can be wide but it doesn't bear any relevance to the argument that sand mondays are raping more people.
none of this actually matters. you're just saying the graph is misleading, which is true. what does matter is that every 25,000 people increase in the population results in 250 more love crime report, from 1976 to 2016. the two graphs are directly proportionate.

in 10 years (1976 to 1986) the population increased almost a quarter a million. around 25,000 people were born each year. during that same time, the assumed rape reports increased by 2500, at 250 a year. in another 10 years, (1986 to 1996) the population increased almost a quarter a million. around 25,000 people were born each year. during that same time, the assumed rape reports increased by 2500, at 250 a year. there was a slight increase in rape cases during those times for some reason, lord knows. it still follows the same trend

the only discrepancy that would damage any of these statistics would be if the 100,000 sample size was all from the same city or area. the birth rates could've been vastly different in that region than others. if it was in stockholm then the birth rate would be higher, but if it was in some backwoods town it might've been lower. i dont know this information so i cannot say for sure.

i probably made an error in the numbers but the fact is that the population increase and the rape increase are directly proportional by a constant of like 1000. every group of 1000 swedish people will get 1 rape report every year. every group of 1000 migrants will get 1 rape report every year.

i dont get where you're going with this. If the rate it was rising was the same as the population then the per capita graph would be flatlined.

By your logic, NY and California would be completely empty of billionaires and millionaires because they have some of the highest taxes but thats not the case is it?

I'm sorry that you guys feel that this is the case but reality is not so cut and dry

facts don't care about your feelings moron

How many tax cuts, tax breaks, and other stuff do billionares get for staying in those areas though? You realize these cities strike deals with massive companies to put their HQs there because they directly benefit from the generated income? And these companies receive massive tax cuts from the cities to entice them to stay?

You don't have any idea what you're on about. loving dumbass, who you are calling a moron?

BK had it's headquarters in Canada to skate certain taxes in the US. Companies do this ALL THE loving TIME. Sure, they might not forget off the US entirely, but you basically said "Oh, NY and Cali can afford to essentially subsidize corporations' HQs, so what's the issue?"

What about flyover America? Do they get Amazon HQs to generate revenue for their cities and states? Is there an Apple campus in Kentucky? Go forget yourself.


Look what happens when you take away their incentive. They forget off. Lmao what perfect timing
« Last Edit: February 14, 2019, 02:04:07 PM by Deus Ex »

nuclear energy could legit bring the US into complete energy independence so ...
As someone who’s literally going into the energy business in Texas and actually studys energy production in school:
Texas has actually have a great deal of renuable energy production through wind farms. The issue is at it’s current state, it’s not economically feasable large scale due to space and the lack of constant reliability. Nuclear and Geothermal(something that’s currently too expensive) are really the only feesable alternitives

i dont get where you're going with this. If the rate it was rising was the same as the population then the per capita graph would be flatlined.
youre actually right i didnt think about that

Annoying Orange: breathes
Judiciary: Sue him

The American Way: solve your problems with lawsuits

How many tax cuts, tax breaks, and other stuff do billionares get for staying in those areas though? You realize these cities strike deals with massive companies to put their HQs there because they directly benefit from the generated income? And these companies receive massive tax cuts from the cities to entice them to stay?

You don't have any idea what you're on about. loving dumbass, who you are calling a moron?

BK had it's headquarters in Canada to skate certain taxes in the US. Companies do this ALL THE loving TIME. Sure, they might not forget off the US entirely, but you basically said "Oh, NY and Cali can afford to essentially subsidize corporations' HQs, so what's the issue?"

What about flyover America? Do they get Amazon HQs to generate revenue for their cities and states? Is there an Apple campus in Kentucky? Go forget yourself.


Look what happens when you take away their incentive. They forget off. Lmao what perfect timing
This has to be the absolute stupidest take I've ever heard in my life

no where in our discussions did I ever say anything about corporate tax

if you sincerely believe a corporation moving their plants/headquarters is the same as what we are talking about please change your password to something you don't remember and never log in again.

if you really really really believe someone is giving kanye west tax incentives to stay in LA please just stop

I can't believe you can't even read what I'm typing