Author Topic: Petition to remove 16x lot on Iphones City RPG  (Read 2188 times)

He shoudn't be so senseless about it.  :cookieMonster:
« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 06:47:57 AM by Filipe »

You made a joke petition on a website for serious petitions.

I was going to let this go but you had to take it further.

Jokes aside 16x16 and 16x32 lots need to not exist.

I can build 3 perfectly good looking medieval housings on a 16x32 base and not take up the entire base.

16x16 sucks for like city building but for medieval building it's an acceptable size.

If he removes it, it will become even more of a mess.

Iphone's City RPG is a complete clusterforget,  Admin abuse, Throwing grenades from the spawn building, Never anwsering any really small questions, Instant D-wanding of houses. And I can beleive how many people waste there time on it. The 16x16 plate is for the people who are just starting to fall into that deadly trap.

How about a petition to remove CityRPGs completely? Kill two birds with one stone.

How about a petition to remove CityRPGs completely? Kill two birds with one stone.

How about a petition to remove CityRPGs completely? Kill two birds with one stone.
Or remove any CityRPG that uses IBan's?

Why the hell is this on

How about a petition to remove CityRPGs completely? Kill two birds with one stone.

I no more like city rpgs.
Always the same idiot gamemode. Glitched.