Author Topic: Frequency being a total richardhead to me for no reason?  (Read 3205 times)

Lock the thread and nobody gets hurt concerned
Drama's cant be locked.

Wow frequency

I'm ashamed that you stopped so low to bully this innocent child. Don't speak to me anymore!!

are you eight years old or something
He's from Belgium I think. English probably isn't his first language. All the same, he's absolutely terrible at communicating with people on here and half his posts just make no sense.

I'll be sure to ban myself from my server.
It was nice knowing you dude.

lol what the hell is this? How does one confuse Alternative with Frequency?

lol what the hell is this? How does one confuse Alternative with Frequency?
maybe they thought he was an alternative to frequency

maybe they thought he was an alternative to frequency

maybe they thought he was an alternative to frequency
wow you're such a stufflord.

op you tried
but please
try harder

now this is some dramatic irony. espio asks why nobody likes him and in his own forget-up reveals why nobody likes him.

here espio, let me spell it out for you with the example being this thread -

I want to know why because I have done nothing to him for him to be total douche to me.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I forgeted up
the reason why people do this kind of stuff to you is, to put it bluntly, the fact that you are an idiot. and you change that.  and if you don't want to wise up, then you clearly don't want it to stop bad enough.

when espio hits you with a roast

when espio hits you with a roast

is that the murder-Self Delete kid omg