How do you like your coffee?

Author Topic: How do you like your coffee?  (Read 2387 times)

basically light roast, mediums okay
yeah like richard homo

Black. Why taint it with fat and sugar?

I prefer mixed brown or dark, and there must be sugar, can't stand coffee without it.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 01:55:08 PM by Filipe »

Personally, I'd go for 3, otherwise I'd take a black coffee.

I stopped drinking coffee 9 months ago and I'm the most alert and energetic I've ever been.

Black or with milk, same with tea.
Wait so you like your tea with milk?
"A la criolla"

Hot dark coffee with sugar and cold milk on top applied by pressure.

You end up with a refreshing milk foam on top and warm latte on the bottom.
Sounds delicious enough

oh man though
it really varies. i like it medium/light but it makes me feel awful afterwards so i usually have black or at least near to it

ok then handicapquit
listen here friend you've got two things to loving take back within the next 60 minutes or i will loving suck your richard inside out