Author Topic: USA, srsly?? bra holsters??  (Read 12395 times)

so basically pie crust is criticizing carrying weapons, saying he can go full-on metal gear on someone, and is now lying about statistics

moved to drama inc

Yes but you're forgetting that Flash Mobs don't exist here and the most lethal weapon Argentinians have are motorized vehicles. Firearm murder is very rare. Knifes and running over people with cars are much more common.
So by self-defense you're going to kill the agressor? Wouldn't that make you as unlawful as the criminal?
I'd like to say that your statement is actually supporting the idea that it's not the guns that are the problem, it is the people committing the crime.

People in Argentina don't have as many guns? OK they'll just kill with other weapons. Then there is the fact that you still have tons of gun crime in your country lol.

The guns used in mass killings in the USA are rarely automatic weapons by the way. Unless the shooter was rolling up with a mounted machine gun and thousands of rounds any small automatic rifle would not be very efficient for a spree killing.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 11:20:36 AM by Otis Da HousKat »

You do realize that it's in alphabetical order and Argentina has a rate of 6 and the US a rate of 10, right?

You do realize that you're looking at total, which includes Self Delete and unintentional homicide, right? The intentional homicide rates (firearm murder) of the US and Argentina are 3.55 and 2.58 respectively. Basically identical. Did you think that would fool me or are you making another "legit mistake"?

Wow i see Argentina has a lot of other problems

Overall Crime and Safety Situation
Crime Rating: Critical

Crime is a serious problem in Argentina. Officially reported, country-wide full range crime statistics are not available. Crimes reported to the U.S. Embassy by American citizens reveal they are most often victims of theft or non-violent robbery, principally in the tourist neighborhoods. An increase in robberies at change houses has been noted. Urban crime includes pickpocketing, purse snatching, scams, mugging, express and virtual kidnappings, residential burglary, home invasion, thefts from vehicles (including smash-and-grabs), loveual assaults/rape, car theft, and carjacking. There are also occasional high profile assaults on armored cash carriers.
Transportation-Safety Situation

Road Safety and Road Conditions

Road conditions are moderate, but traffic is fast throughout the country and heavy in the big cities. Almost all highways are two-lane with no separation between traffic travelling in opposite directions. Drivers are very aggressive and often oblivious to lane designations and many other traffic laws.

Political, Economic, Religious, and Ethnic Violence

Political Violence Rating: Medium

Local, Regional, and International Terrorism Threats/Concerns

There is no recent or significant operational terrorist activity in Argentina, but international terrorists used car bombs to destroy the Israeli Embassy in 1992, killing 29 persons, and a Jewish cultural center (AMIA) in 1994, killing 85 persons and injuring hundreds.

Police Response

There were reports that police were involved in killings involving unwarranted or excessive force.  Authorities investigated and, in some cases, detained, prosecuted, and convicted the officers involved.

Checkpoints are common, especially around Buenos Aires, and drivers must have all documentation, including passport or Argentine identification card, driver’s license, vehicle registration, and proof of third-party liability insurance. Any irregular police procedures (demands for bribes, etc.) should be reported to the Embassy.

I wouldn't be criticizing America if i were you.

Not only guys can't remove the woman's bra they have a chance of getting shot too.

As a matter of fact if we factor out Self Delete and manslaughter and leave in the 'undetermined homicides' for the US and Argentina it comes out to 3.64 and 5.15 respectively. The fact that Argentina has so many undetermined homicides is hardly a mystery considering the state of their law enforcement and judicial system in general (as a matter of fact they're ranked 3rd globally for undetermined homicides). I wouldn't be surprised if Argentina actually had a greater prevalence of firearm murder than the US and they just simply failed to prosecute the murderers lol

YEs but there, you're getting into politics which you need background in to be able to reply.
loving hooligans related to corrupt politics.
You're mixing crime with politics.
lmao if you're going to claim politics as a defense you might as well shut up right now because a ton of stuff here is politically charged in one way or another. Especially mass shootings and right to carry related stuff

Not only guys can't remove the woman's bra they have a chance of getting shot too.
loveual harassment legally cannot be retaliated with lethal force. That's a homicide. So yes, men can do that without a chance of being shot.

We don't have civilian guns to begin with. (Or atleast the majority don't)

So I can murder you and claim it was self defense?
in most states, probably all, pulling a lethal weapon on someone unarmed turns you into the aggressor even if they're attacking

or at least i think so

It is also one of the few, maybe even safe to say only, country where someone goes in with an automatic rifle and begins murdering everyone.
fully automatic rifles are not legal to obtain except by law enforcement

i'm going to assume you mean fully automatic and not semi
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 11:39:49 AM by kanew2000 »

in most states, probably all, pulling a lethal weapon on someone unarmed turns you into the aggressor even if they're attacking
or at least i think so

Only in about 5 states. There's no duty to retreat in most of the USA.

loveual harassment legally cannot be retaliated with lethal force. That's a homicide. So yes, men can do that without a chance of being shot.

Um you read what I said wrong.

Since men have trouble unhooking bras now they have a chance of shooting themselves by accident trying to unhook the bra.

Bra holsters have been a thing for years OP. You're just looking for something to rag on because you don't like guns.

If the moron is standing right next to you, pointing at you with his arm extended, fast and hard hit to his arm and get inbetween his gun and him.

Yeah this is proof in the pudding. You're a dumbass good lord. You watch too many movies.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 12:09:45 PM by Tayasaurus »

Um you read what I said wrong.

Since men have trouble unhooking bras now they have a chance of shooting themselves by accident trying to unhook the bra.
the gun is in front of the bra, I'd imagine it would be a back clasp bra, away from the fire-arm. In which case, you can just do the one handed pinch.

i am bringing out a new line of clothing, gun holsters
wear gun holsters all across your body through gun holster t-shirts, gun holster underwear, gun holster hats and even a gun holster butt plug.
a must have for any american who doesn't want to be mugged, raped or verbally abused.