Author Topic: [SOURCE 2] Valve assets leak with Steam VR Performance Test  (Read 5776 times)

Just a disclaimer, this happened just yesterday so it is still fairly fresh. I may or may not be inaccurate about some information, but what I know I have added to the OP. OP can be changed for information the more comes out. I apologize in advance.

My sources:

- Aperture Robot Repair VR Test (Source 2).
- Strings in code referencing Half Life 3, Left 4 Dead 3.
- Left for Dead gets a test map regarding viewing character models and their equipment. Has been rendered pointless by lack of character models.
- Unreleased C4 from CS:GO trailer is leaked as well.
- Stings for HL3 include quests, crowbar ziplines, grenade launcher, and spy grenade.
- HL3 things also include old models from HL2 ported in, specifically D0g and the antlions.
- 'Retired engineer' materials from HL3 are confirmed (listed as "rebelhead").
- Test maps, such as a space roosterpit, partial recreation of Valve HQ, and much, much, more.
- For mappers, a demonstration via the Aperture demo to see how the engine loads large prefabs quicker

The test maps are very weird stuff.

« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 09:49:12 PM by TeeOS »

It's also worth noting that trying to give yourself weapons in the performance test just puts out a bunch of errors due to the missing Half Life 2 weapons and your playermodel is a wireframe of Chell

well thats pretty surreal aint it

Aperture Robot Repair VR Test (Source 2).
man i love valve they have the most absolute astounding animation team

there actually was a hl3 dog model
it just wasnt textured

it was present in the files
i doubt valve would just leak this out like this
they would've learned from last time
they must've either placed it in here or it really did just leak out
steamdb's blog post tried to get the strider canyon working, still some missing models

« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 11:50:47 PM by Maxx° »

also VNN claims that he got tipped by an "anonymous source" about the content
i call bullstuff, hes known for jumping on stories.

it's possible that some of the stuff (including d0g) was meant to be a vr demo but then they decided to do portal instead and they just never deleted the old files

i dont know if you can call it a leak
almost all of this was put in for a reason

whenever the vr test ends my computer crashes that's amazing isn't it

whenever the vr test ends my computer crashes that's amazing isn't it
Sometimes only the program will crash for me, you're just not worthy of Source 2 nor it's VR

Maxx asked a guy on reddit about it and we both have the files now, poking around a bit shows more things such as models for molotovs, portal test chamber concept things, platformer maps, etc

Do it at home:
Requires 16GB of free space (yeah, holy stuff)
SteamVR Performance Test

Okay then, first you need to get the DepotDownloader, which you can find here: Unpack that somewhere. Open up a CMD in Windows, cd to the folder the downloader is in and execute it like this: DepotDownloader.exe" -app 323910 -depot 323911 -manifest 1213373041379618053 -username yoursteamusername -password yoursteampassword (Of course replace the login with your actual login. If you have steamguard activated you have to enter the security code after you press enter. It'll ask you for it.) YOu might get a few error messages, which is okay, it will start downloading after a while. It downloads the entire thing (16GB) to your User folder (C:\Users\Yourusername\depots).

it seems suspicious at first with the password thing but its actually in order to get into valves servers
ie valve wont let some anonymous random ip download stuff from their servers

after the files are downloaded you go into the vr folder in depots and copy maps, materials, models, scripts, and sounds into the vr folder of the test
go to preferences for the performance test and add "-novr" and accept
removes the vr screen and makes the test endless

just a warning that maps like strider canyon still crash the game
« Last Edit: February 25, 2016, 08:45:55 PM by TeeOS »

using evidence from this leak i constructed an even bigger theory
the evidence points to the possibility that HL3 is closer than we think
all of the leaked content is from a depot of the robot repair program from July 2015

Another reason to think that Half Life 3 is closer than we think is because of vital members of Valve's Half Life staff have been retiring lately, probably because their job is done

I'm thinking we may get answers or more things to speculate over during 2017, 10 years after the release of Episode Two (not that release dates of older products really mean anything)
« Last Edit: February 26, 2016, 05:05:54 PM by Masterlegodude »