Author Topic: And so my long journey begins (Mr Man isn't so much of a Mr Man)  (Read 8964 times)

You guys may know by now, but I'd been questioning my gender for years. I've mentioned it a few times on here, although I don't think I've gone very in-depth. I've "wanted" to be a girl, but never thought I'd be considered "trans enough" to do it, and therefore brushed it off as a very long phase. This was mainly because I hadn't known from a young age. Well, I've been becoming more and more sure, and in December after reading various trans stories that sounded very similar to my own, and realizing I feel a thousand times more comfortable in girls' clothes, I realized I am trans after all. I came out to my mom in January after having tried to drop hints of the possibility for years, and started getting more and more clothes I feel comfortable in.

Today I had my first gender therapy session, and it went very well. In addition, I've been wearing girls clothing almost exclusively and even went to a school dance in girlmode last month. I'm in the process of switching pronouns with friends, although it might be a bit longer with family.

I've been here a while and have always been known as Mr Man (don't even ask why I picked that, I regret it so much), and as the guy with the weird special interestes. I just thought I should let you guys know that I'm not so much of a guy after all. I guess I'm just overly happy to finally be me ^-^

Alright guys, here's a few pics of me pre-everything. I've never shown myself on here before, do I look ok?

With padded bra



« Last Edit: February 24, 2016, 04:26:40 PM by Mr Man »

I'll never take you seriously and only think of you as a relentless perv from the posts I've seen you make

how did that go, well or not?
Pretty well surprisingly. When I was dropping hints, she was always hoping I wasn't trans and was trying to deny it and hold onto the idea that I was just a feminine boy, but when I full on came out she took it very well and is fully supportive! She had mostly just been afraid of me facing abuse, but I have plenty of support from friends and live in a very liberal area.

yay, nice to know someone else i find cool is trans.
good luck, and may the blf support you every step of the way.
i hope.

hope its not offensive but i suspected this from last halloween when you did that dress thing

Good luck on the transition!

Good luck on the transition!

Can't tell if genuine comment or clever pun.

I'll go with both.

Good on ya, gal. Do 'whatcha think is right.

I came out as Trans-Jensen a while back myself.