Author Topic: My mom is in the ER  (Read 1602 times)

Well, how it started, well I think so, is that my mom was having some intense stomach pain the night before it got worse and worse and I don't know what happened after since I went to sleep. I woke up this morning with a post-it note on my forehead that wrote and I quote "Ben, this is your dad, I had to take your mom to the ER due to some stomach issues. Remember to feed your brothers and let the dogs out. Also, don't worry, I already called the school about you being absent. I will call home when I can."

Who let the dogs out? OP, OP, OP!!

Sorry to hear it man. I hope she gets better.

Damn that must worry you that your mother is in the hospital. I'm really sorry to hear this and I hope she gets well soon and it's nothing too serious or life threatening

It's probably her appendix rupturing.

They will remove her appendix and all will be well. There's no need to worry.

Sad to hear OP
Hope you mother gets better

That sucks op, hope everything turns out fine

Best of luck to you, your mother, and your family OP.

ur mom probs deserves it

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« Last Edit: February 24, 2016, 06:44:40 PM by Badspot »

ur mom probs deserves it
what the forget is up your starfish seriously, piss off

she's dead

seriously though i hope she gets out of it fine

wow why would they put the post it on your head wtf lol

Hope everything turns out alright