Author Topic: Fortunately, Unfortunately v777  (Read 21772 times)

unfortunately, universe bandits come in and take yur universe

unfortunately, universe bandits come in and take yur universe

Fortunately, you steal it back

Unfortunately, Universe Bandits are not idiots, and it is the wrong universe.

fortunately, you never owned a universe and the bandits stole a bomb.

unfortunately, you get shot

Fortunatly,that makes you become Robo-Cop.

Unfortunately, the person who shot you is still out there.

fortunately, you know how to defend yourself

Unfortunately, he fires a mini nuke right at you.

fortunately, you managed to hide in a fridge.

Unfortunately, Indiana Jones isn't real and it won't work.

fortunately, you dont die because you are indiana jones.

Unfortunately, you get raped by George Lucas and Steven Spielberg.

fortunately there roosters aew big

unfortunately they stop