Author Topic: -Apple vs. FBI: San Bernardino Shooting-  (Read 2883 times)

Bullstuff. All of this should not have happened. Apple has broken into their phones multiple times for the FBI, they just did not announce it. But this time, it came down to a judge saying(before people knew about this) "break into it.". But nope, judge had to forget everybody over and talk about privacy issues.

To explain this situation to somebody that does not understand at all:
There is a terrorist with a locked phone, and the FBI needs Apple(or a 3rd party hacker or organization) to create a backdoor to get into the phone. It started off as just one phone, but now the FBI wants tools to get into any iPhones. The problem is that if Apple does make the backdoor, it announces that there is software, and it is possible to get into any phone. Which is bad, because other " bad" hackers will begin working on this software, whether it is stealing it, or making their own.

In conclusion: If apple just shut the forget up about it, and did it, there would be no problem..

Bullstuff. All of this should not have happened. Apple has broken into their phones multiple times for the FBI, they just did not announce it. But this time, it came down to a judge saying(before people knew about this) "break into it.". But nope, judge had to forget everybody over and talk about privacy issues.

To explain this situation to somebody that does not understand at all:
There is a terrorist with a locked phone, and the FBI needs Apple(or a 3rd party hacker or organization) to create a backdoor to get into the phone. It started off as just one phone, but now the FBI wants tools to get into any iPhones. The problem is that if Apple does make the backdoor, it announces that there is software, and it is possible to get into any phone. Which is bad, because other " bad" hackers will begin working on this software, whether it is stealing it, or making their own.

In conclusion: If apple just shut the forget up about it, and did it, there would be no problem..
Um... So how would you know this if they never announced it? Do you work for the FBI or something? :o

most conservatives ive seen have been siding with the FBI on this issue.
i would mostly expect the opposite

It's a mixed issue for conservatives since they are generally pro-privacy as well as anti-terrorism

It's a mixed issue for conservatives since they are generally pro-privacy as well as anti-terrorism

wait so liberals support terrorism

holy stuff i see now why california doesnt deserve to be a part of this country

conservatives are usually "find and kill those terrorists ASAP"*

they just need to be smart about guessing the passcode, creating a separate backdoor for each device individually is very much impractical, while making one for all of them is a disaster waiting to happen

imo it should stay as is and officials should brighten up some

nothing to hide, nothing to fear is an idiotic philosophy

Did you read the rest of my comment, or was that off the cuff?

I hate apple but I have noting to say since I use an apple device I found in the street (no password lol)
But open sources devices are much better!

Anyway Apple should help FBI to unlock the phone, it's for national safety.
Also thanks you apple to make some marketing stuff saying you protect your users just to sell more stuff.

New York Judge ruled that FBI can go forget off!


New York Judge ruled that FBI can go forget off!

Lol nice.
I hate apple but I have noting to say since I use an apple device I found in the street (no password lol)
But open sources devices are much better!

Anyway Apple should help FBI to unlock the phone, it's for national safety.
Also thanks you apple to make some marketing stuff saying you protect your users just to sell more stuff.
Except everything they said is perfectly reasonable and the request was a legitimate threat. Seriously, it has the potential to compromise millions of people's credit cards, accounts, identity, etc. if used improperly, and it's simply too difficult to prevent misuse.

Did you read the rest of my comment, or was that off the cuff?
wasn't directed at you, you just got the phrase in my head

those who would give up personal liberties for security don't deserve either
Thank you for reminding me of this quote, it fits perfectly in this context!

I'm all about privacy, but I'm also strangely drawn to this "backdoor" idea...

I'm all about privacy, but I'm also strangely drawn to this "backdoor" idea...
you nasty son of a bitch lol