Author Topic: This what Feminism is supposed to be  (Read 6803 times)

All the actual gender equality issues have been fought for.

Women can vote now, no longer a pay gap, etc.

Now we are at the year 2016 and women are fighting for what exactly? Office air conditioning being too cold. THE HARD PRESSING ISSUES WOMEN IN AMERICA HAVE BEEN FACING SINCE THE DAWN OF TIME! It's in the middle of the summer and they have to wear a sweater to work, it's unbelievably loveist!

On the topic of stupid things they're fighting for, the "ban 'bossy'" thing is awful.

On the topic of stupid things they're fighting for, the "ban 'bossy'" thing is awful.

Despite the word "bossy" is a term for both males and females who are being very controlling, domineering and abrasive. If someone calls you bossy (regardless of gender) that means you are being a very terrible leader.

Let's ban bossy anyways, it might hurt loud little girl's feelings and prevent them from wanting to be a leader in the future. It's a loveist word!

There are women killed in Saudi Arabia for walking outside without an escort. Banning a word is more important.

like there are lots of radical feminists and there are equality feminists that people generalize into the former
that pisses off people that used to be in the latter group and they radicalize
then anti-feminists get even more pissed off

it's a bunch of people refusing to grow the forget up.

Wasn't the "ban bossy" campaign fiasco shot down a while ago though? iirc they had little to no supporters and most people took it as a joke.  

Office air conditioning being too cold.
this is their fault for trying to be fashionable rather than stay warm
what the forget

Wasn't the "ban bossy" campaign fiasco shot down a while ago though?

Because no sane person recognizes it as a true gender equality problem.

Feminism should be dead by now. they served their purpose. There is nothing left to fight for unless they want to actually go out and fight for feminism rights in third world countries where feminism is needed!

Feminism hasn't had an actual legit thing to fight for. They are just literally bored right now trying to look for problems that don't exist. Look at anita sarkeesian here trying to dictate videogames when they are a subjective art form protected by freedom of speech (in some countries). What's the issue? Games are subconsciously making men loveist now? Thus feeding the patriarchy?

Look at anita sarkeesian here trying to dictate videogames when they are a subjective art form protected by freedom of speech (in some countries). What's the issue? Games are subconsciously making men loveist now? Thus feeding the patriarchy?
Video games don't cause violence. We know that much.
So how the forget are video games supposed to cause loveism. Seriously, her "research" is the scientific equivalent of homeopathy.

There was also this college that set up a safe space for men only. Of course this met heavy criticism from feminists saying men shouldn't have safe space unless women told them what they can do and say in that safe space.

What's forgeted up is that same college has had a female only safe space since the 70s and not a single feminist there saw any bit of hypocrisy.

Feminism is slowly dying because there is nothing left to fight for. Everything has been given through first and second wave feminism.

The entire third wave feminism has been nothing but online issues. "Some guy said mean things to me in a videogame, these are loveist issues that we are dealing with."

These aren't issues that we need to fight over. As far as I am concerned men teabag other men in videogames or men say they will rape other men in videogames. these actions men do in videogames are not exclusive to females. They do it to everyone, only females are making a bigger deal about it.
« Last Edit: February 29, 2016, 01:02:42 AM by Lord Tony® »

Has anyone even seen a normal feminist recently?
It seems like the only people who call themselves feminist anymore are the type of people that think the patriarchy will haul them off to female Auschwitz at any moment.

Has anyone even seen a normal feminist recently?
It seems like the only people who call themselves feminist anymore are the type of people that think the patriarchy will haul them off to female Auschwitz at any moment.

I told my sister to be a feminist and she looked like she just drank a gallon of spoiled eggnog

Woman have more rights than men these days.

Woman have more rights than men these days.
isn't that playing the minority card

In many lawful cases that's true, particularly in rape accusations, but in people's heads they view men as supreme more often than vise versa.

Woman have more rights than men these days.

well, more "privilege" at least. when you're able to run to the establishment and by extension use their power to get what you want, you effectively have a privilege higher than others.