Author Topic: This what Feminism is supposed to be  (Read 6802 times)

Define rape culture
rape culture is the idea that women should act in a certain way in order to avoid getting raped, and if they don't do so they are entirely at fault for whatever happens to them. The idea belongs only to a small amount of people in first world countries, but its still an issue

rape culture is the idea that women should act in a certain way in order to avoid getting raped, and if they don't do so they are entirely at fault for whatever happens to them

Alright so if I wore a fancy suit with money sticking out of my pockets and I walk around in a ghetto neighborhood at night bragging about my fancy new Rolex watch is it my fault I got mugged?

Alright so if I wore a fancy suit with money sticking out of my pockets and I walk around in a ghetto neighborhood at night bragging about my fancy new Rolex watch is it my fault I got mugged?
of loving course not. Whoever robs you is the aggressor in this case. They are the ones facing the charges, and you are not to blame.

However, i dont see how high heals and a slightly revealing dress count as wallets and cash sticking out of your pocket.

The police aren't going to say "it's your fault." If the police literally said "it's your fault" maybe you could claim that rape culture is an issue.

The fact is that it's some kid on the internet with his opinion who heard about your sap story that you were raped at a sleazy bar because you decided to only walk around in a thong and tank top and then he said "well it's your fault you were in a thong and tank top only." That's his opinion. There is no social hierarchy on the issue here. The police aren't taking the rapists side. It's just some kid on the internet with his opinion.
« Last Edit: February 29, 2016, 03:38:48 PM by Lord Tony® »

rape culture is the idea that women should act in a certain way in order to avoid getting raped, and if they don't do so they are entirely at fault for whatever happens to them. The idea belongs only to a small amount of people in first world countries, but its still an issue

If it's such a small issue, why is it that those who preach about it do so in a manner that suggests that all women are in danger because of rape culture? There's a handful of people out there with all sorts of archaic beliefs, and yet this specific one seems to get the most attention.

If it's such a small issue, why is it that those who preach about it do so in a manner that suggests that all women are in danger because of rape culture? There's a handful of people out there with all sorts of archaic beliefs, and yet this specific one seems to get the most attention.
Same reason why I actively advocate for civil rights and against racism even though african-american people were given their rights so long ago. I'm allowed to continue to fight until it's gone forever. Racism is a big issue in certain parts of the world, and I shouldn't be criticized for trying to fight for our rights.

Also I don't know what world you guys live in that makes it right to enforce 'out of sight out of mind' on every living human being on earth.

of loving course not. Whoever robs you is the aggressor in this case. They are the ones facing the charges, and you are not to blame.

However, i dont see how high heals and a slightly revealing dress count as wallets and cash sticking out of your pocket.

You're confusing what police think and what public opinion thinks.

See the police will take your side and in no way will side with the offender.

The public will just say it's your fault.

What the public thinks is irrelevant because they have no authority on the issue. If rape culture were real the public's opinion would actually hold water. So what this is, is feminists crying about rape culture because not every little random anonymous kid on the internet agrees with them.

Ah yes, so I shouldn't get mad when people say offensive things to me because my skin color is darker than theirs.

Believe me, people still say tribal stuff to me all the time, and I get really pissed off about it, as I should.

Ah yes, so I shouldn't get mad when people say offensive things to me because my skin color is darker than theirs.

Believe me, people still say tribal stuff to me all the time

And that's their opinion and they have the right to say it.

There is nothing you can do until the constitution removes freedom of speech. Which apparently seems like what you feminists want.

And that's their opinion and they have the right to say it.

There is nothing you can do until the constitution removes freedom of speech. Which apparently seems like what you feminists want.
Freedom of speech doesn't defend offensive language and verbal opinions against other people. You're allowed and entitled to hold your opinion, but you are not allowed to say degrading things against a group of people. That is considered harassment

I could even get a restraining order against someone if they consistently did it to me.

Freedom of speech doesn't defend offensive language and verbal opinions against other people. You're allowed and entitled to hold your opinion, but you are not allowed to say degrading things against a group of people. That is considered harassment
It's only harassment if you repeatedly say it and actually harass them.

If you just say it once very calmly, people will hate you, but you won't get arrested.

Same reason why I actively advocate for civil rights and against racism even though african-american people were given their rights so long ago. I'm allowed to continue to fight until it's gone forever. Racism is a big issue in certain parts of the world, and I shouldn't be criticized for trying to fight for our rights.

See the thing is that you aren't fighting for people's rights, you're arguing on the internet about beliefs and ideals you're apparently well versed in enough to argue in their behalf but not aware enough to realize all the implications of everything you've said.

I'm all for equal rights but I'm not about to dedicate my life to fighting boogeymen like rape culture and the patriarchy that were invented by a movement struggling to stay relevant in modern society, one that also seems to be demonizing the opposite love because they need an antagonist to latch onto. The fact that you brought up the wage gap is really telling that you aren't playing by logic, but rather by emotions.

And that's their opinion and they have the right to say it.

There is nothing you can do until the constitution removes freedom of speech. Which apparently seems like what you feminists want.

Freedom of speech protects you from censorship. It doesn't mean you're entitled to your opinions. Nobody is entitled to their opinions. Your opinions are just personal beliefs, there is nothing in the nature of personal beliefs that make them credible and for the most part sharing critical, controversial beliefs is almost always going to be met with dissenting opinions in the public.

Freedom of speech doesn't defend offensive language and verbal opinions against other people. You're allowed and entitled to hold your opinion, but you are not allowed to say degrading things against a group of people. That is considered harassment

Feminists using "cis scum" or "privilege" in negative ways to get their point across all the time.

A white man went to see went to a counselor about his issues and the black counselor told him to get out and check his white privilege.

If you truly believe in feminism then you should travel to countries that actually need it like the middle east.

Which apparently first world feminists seem to ignore the need for feminism in third world countries.

You also ignored this.

If you truly, truly, truly believed in feminism. You would go down to the middle east and set up protests to fight for their rights as women.

Why do first world feminists not do this?