Author Topic: Silent Pong  (Read 1068 times)

A pong that doesn't have the bouncing noise. I need it for my UNBEARABLY LOUD tycoon.

Couldn't you just delete the .wav files for it?

Couldn't you just delete the .wav files for it?
This isn't the recommended way to mod things.

It's not appearing ingame
Is it named something other than Silent Pong?

Nevermind i got it. the last datablock wasn't renamed.

Why not?
Well in the code it'd play the sound when it does the trigger, and if it was missing something possibly wouldn't work

Well in the code it'd play the sound when it does the trigger, and if it was missing something possibly wouldn't work
it would spam console errora

Why not?
You also can't mod default addons as restarting Blockland would just redownload the addon and reversing the changes you made to the addon.