Author Topic: Hey british forumers, a few questions.  (Read 2213 times)

Holy stuff! Your metropolital police is IDENTICAL to ours!! actually the other way around and ours has a 9mm

Also I had an english muffin with hot chocolate. Holy stuff the hot chocolate was awesome full of whipped cream. The muffin was very good as well. The fruit on the other hand was oversized and tasted like water. Might be because of living in a rural country. The saussage was somewhat good. Better than the north americans, I can tell you that.

I'm meeting some irish friends. Last time, they got uruguayian wine. This time, chilenian, lol. They're off by one.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2016, 03:07:11 PM by Pastrey Crust »

So I'm not far away from the NEC and looking online it seems that it's a huge convention center. Does any local know if there's something worthwile to go see?
Also boy do you people eat breakfest. I'm sitting here with my coffee and everyone else has their table full of stuff. Seems like your most important meal isn't lunch but breakfest.

Also no close door button on elevators. :C

I'm sorry for the moron that took my $5 ars thinking they were pounds. They lost at least $100ars.

Crufts here we go.

Also I noticed, from every country I've visited, everything but technological items and machinery is much cheaper in Argentina than in the rest of the world. Including services such as bus, taxi, and bikes.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2016, 03:59:10 AM by Pastrey Crust »