Author Topic: Hey british forumers, a few questions.  (Read 2294 times)

How expensive is London, Birmingham, and Northampton?
What are historical sites to visit which aren't excessively over-rated and overpopulated with tourists?
How bad is your weather?
Is it true that your food is even worse than your weather?
What's the best way to get around the city other than a cab and walking?
Is it cold as forget right now?

And one last question,

Did you get enough barricades for your doors and windows? I'm coming to town. :D

Bitch about the Falkland Islands to every person you meet.

Will do. I'll go buy one of those capes people sell in the widest avenue of the world which have the Malvinas with the text "We'll be back".

How expensive is London, Birmingham, and Northampton?
What are historical sites to visit which aren't excessively over-rated and overpopulated with tourists?
How bad is your weather?
Is it true that your food is even worse than your weather?
What's the best way to get around the city other than a cab and walking?
Is it cold as forget right now?

And one last question,

Did you get enough barricades for your doors and windows? I'm coming to town. :D

  • To shop? It's fine. To live? lol
  • barely any tbh in london, maybe if u go a bit more rural
  • It's ok but not in March
  • NO, food is good if you pay, or just eat fastfood all day
  • about a solid 9C

source: have frequented and have a friend who lived multiple years

Will do. I'll go buy one of those capes people sell in the widest avenue of the world which have the Malvinas with the text "We'll be back".
I think it'll be funny because most people won't even know what the hell you're going on about, highlighting how inconsequential it is to anyone outside of Argentina.

I really don't care about the Malvinas/Falklands. They're two stuffty islands conquered by the best army of the moment while we had a defacto government who grabbed 16-yearolds and gave them a loving musket to fight against the best and well-trained army in the world. They probably have more sheep than humans.

Expand on what the hell the metro is. The idea of a metro is what we have here. Two bus-only lanes so those car-cutting starfishs are forbidden to drive out of those two lanes with bus stops that look like train stations.

Expand on what the hell the metro is. The idea of a metro is what we have here. Two bus-only lanes so those car-cutting starfishs are forbidden to drive out of those two lanes with bus stops that look like train stations.

Expand on what the hell the metro is. The idea of a metro is what we have here. Two bus-only lanes so those car-cutting starfishs are forbidden to drive out of those two lanes with bus stops that look like train stations.
He's probably referring to this but I'm not sure:

Expand on what the hell the metro is. The idea of a metro is what we have here. Two bus-only lanes so those car-cutting starfishs are forbidden to drive out of those two lanes with bus stops that look like train stations.
underground railroads

How expensive is London, Birmingham, and Northampton?
What are historical sites to visit which aren't excessively over-rated and overpopulated with tourists?
How bad is your weather?
Is it true that your food is even worse than your weather?
What's the best way to get around the city other than a cab and walking?
Is it cold as forget right now?

And one last question,

Did you get enough barricades for your doors and windows? I'm coming to town. :D

- London is hideously overpriced in every capacity. Birmingham is stuff, don't go there. Dunno anything about Northampton
- We have a lot of heritage sites dedicated to the Romans, Saxons and Celts dotted around the country and we have a lot of museums dedicated to WWI, WWII and our industrial history. My favourite museum is the railway museum in York.
- It can be good, it can be bad but we don't have any extreme weather; It's either wet or sunny, warm or freezing.
- Only if you ask Europeans, I'll take a good pork stew with dumplings over anything French any day of the week.
- Depends on the city, some have a Metro and some have buses. Some cities have horrible congestion that make buses impractical while others don't need a Metro to overcome the traffic on the surface. London is an example of a city that needs a Metro because the traffic is just so bad that buses never get anywhere while in Liverpool we don't have a Metro (AFAIK) and buses are pretty reliable.
- About 3-5 degrees celsius at the moment.