Author Topic: Hey british forumers, a few questions.  (Read 2219 times)

You don't wanna know.
quality bump, man. he rlly needed that information lol

You don't wanna know.
Yes, I noticed. It was raining when we landed.

Yes, I noticed. It was raining when we landed.
So, have you tried our fish and chips? They're great.

Also I was told at immigrations that I have to keep my passport and flight permit at-hand incase I get stopped by an officer for being a minor. Is this true? The flight permit is a hard-as-forget paper to get a duplicate of if I lose it. I need it for a few months but my sister needs it for a few more years and this one paper authorizes both of us.

So, have you tried our fish and chips? They're great.
Not yet, I was going to have it for dinner. I'm currently at the underground and boy I can't believe that BA's subway is better with regards to allowing passengers to move from cart to cart mid-transit, wider carts (it's crammed here with my luggage), and it looks like a tube with doors. Not like a train, lol. But anyways, minor details. It's loving fast, I can tell you that and it's impressive how spread-out the stations are.

Also I was told at immigrations that I have to keep my passport and flight permit at-hand incase I get stopped by an officer for being a minor. Is this true? The flight permit is a hard-as-forget paper to get a duplicate of if I lose it. I need it for a few months but my sister needs it for a few more years and this one paper authorizes both of us.

Not yet, I was going to have it for dinner. I'm currently at the underground and boy I can't believe that BA's subway is better with regards to allowing passengers to move from cart to cart mid-transit, wider carts (it's crammed here with my luggage), and it looks like a tube with doors. Not like a train, lol. But anyways, minor details. It's loving fast, I can tell you that and it's impressive how spread-out the stations are.
Keep your passport on you at all times, but somewhere safe.
You're not likely to be stopped randomly without cause (police actually need reasonable suspicion to do searches or stops), but if you are, you will need to be able to prove you are in the country legally.

No idea about flight permits. Just keep it safe.
London is a pretty decent location, but just follow the rules of being in a foreign city. Keep your important items close, preferably in your front pockets, and be aware of people around you.

You will stick out as a tourist.

The tube isn't too uncomfortable, I don't find. But yeah, it's weird that it's got completely open doors carriages.
And it does get round very quickly. It's a pretty damn good system, with how quickly you can get all over London. Far quicker than if you were to try driving, or bussing, or walking.

If you get Fish and Chips, get curry sauce!

It might vary from place to place, but there's quite a common curry sauce that chippies have, which I assume is a wholesale item they all get from the same place, and it's lovely!

How expensive is London,
its literally cheaper to live in spain and commute by plane every single day, in place of living there.

its literally cheaper to live in spain and commute by plane every single day, in place of living there.
Yeah, but that's a different sort of cost.
Pie Crust isn't going to be paying for a London apartment.

But London is still generally more expensive for most items than elsewhere in the UK.

I have a question for the brits.

Do you walk on the left side of hallways in school?

Everyone bangs on about how bad the weather is here but it's that bad.

Do you walk on the left side of hallways in school?
Which school forces you to walk on one side of the corridor?

Which school forces you to walk on one side of the corridor?
Every school I've been to insists we walk on the right side

How expensive is London, Birmingham, and Northampton?
London is definitely the most expensive one, there are lots of homeless there compared to other parts.
What are historical sites to visit which aren't excessively over-rated and overpopulated with tourists?
I live in a small city called York which is a beautiful city, however there are many tourists, driving around the town is very hard. It has the Jorvic viking centre which is pretty nice.
How bad is your weather?
It's bad. It's almost always grim and raining, it even floods quite a lot, and whenever we get used to the cold, the sun comes out and makes us all hot and bothered on some days.
Is it true that your food is even worse than your weather?
No, the food here is pretty good if you go to the right places. Also, fish and chips is amazing and I have no idea how people have never eaten it before.
What's the best way to get around the city other than a cab and walking?
Depends where you are, but there is usually a bus service in pretty much everywhere, which come every 10 minutes or so, so you won't be waiting for too long.
Is it cold as forget right now?
Yes its loving freezing, it got pitch black at just 5pm, and it was raining all throughout the morning.
Did you get enough barricades for your doors and windows? I'm coming to town. :D
Where exactly are you staying at in the UK?

I have a question for the brits.

Do you walk on the left side of hallways in school?
In my school this is actually the case, however many people don't follow it.

Staying in London at a hotel in Cartwright gardens.

It's not that cold. I've seen worse and yeah, we get night at 16:00 in BA during the winter as well.

As for the weather, the airplane began descending into a layer of clouds which were endless and when it got close to the ground, the clouds were græy and it was raining, lol.

I also stick out like a sore thumb in the crowd.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2016, 02:00:50 PM by Pastrey Crust »

Also, unlike popular belief, there are fat people in Britain.  If the population was as much as the us, it would be equal, So don't be surprised to see someone who is obese.

Also, a message to Britain: if Donald Annoying Orange becomes president, please try and take the country back, thanks

Yes, I did see some fatasses but not enough to say that GB is full of them. Unline southern USA.