Author Topic: Hey british forumers, a few questions.  (Read 2295 times)

I have a question for the brits.

Do you walk on the left side of hallways in school?
My school used to ask us to walk on the right handside, but only because of the layout of the school.
We had one very long, yet narrow corridor, and there were more classes on one side and more space if people were to walk down the right hand side, and line up outside class rooms from the right hand side of the door.

Sundown is roughly 6pm-ish now in the central/south of the country.
It's 7pm here and it's just gone completely dark. It was still light out facing one way when I left to the shop at 6:40.

Also, legal drinking age of England?

Yes, I did see some fatasses but not enough to say that GB is full of them. Unline southern USA.
Yes, southern USA has a lot of rednecks.  I am in FL, and towards the central part, their are like a ton of rednecks.

Also, legal drinking age of England?
17 if you have it with dinner (i think)

Two months until 18, forget it.

Yes, southern USA has a lot of rednecks.  I am in FL, and towards the central part, their are like a ton of rednecks.
it shows

Also, legal drinking age of England?
18 to purchase and drink in public.
16 to drink in a licensed restaurant, with a meal (not all restaurants follow this rule, and can refuse you drinks).

Effectively no age limit in private.

it shows
I ain't a hick you meanie.

my autocorrect thinks i am

Is it common to not see officers on the streets? Haven't seen a single one since I left the airport.

I have a question for the brits.

Do you walk on the left side of hallways in school?
yeah we do that at my school

when i was in london i stayed in a town next to it and there were students in tuxedo schoolwear everywhere and they were so hot like that was the only time i fell for boys without knowing them first

There were lots of cute japs in the immigrations line.

Is it common to not see officers on the streets? Haven't seen a single one since I left the airport.
From past experiences of going to London most of the police officers are in the train stations or the shady tourist areas of London.

when i was in london i stayed in a town next to it and there were students in tuxedo schoolwear everywhere and they were so hot like that was the only time i fell for boys without knowing them first
Yeah all schools have uniforms, or for older years, they wear a suit of their choosing.

There were lots of cute japs in the immigrations line.
Yeah many japs come to London.

How expensive is London, Birmingham, and Northampton?
What are historical sites to visit which aren't excessively over-rated and overpopulated with tourists?
How bad is your weather?
Is it true that your food is even worse than your weather?
What's the best way to get around the city other than a cab and walking?
Is it cold as forget right now?

And one last question,

Did you get enough barricades for your doors and windows? I'm coming to town. :D

1 - depends on where you want to go (which allows beastiality).
2 - london is just tourists, dont go there.
3 - it's either raining, hailing or heavy clouds.
4 - sprinkle salt on the food so you can drown out the sweeteners they drown the food in.
5 - taxi is your best bet if you're not up for walking, don't even think about the underground.
6 - yes.
7 - the police have been called.

also you can drink alcohol under adult supervision, plus if you look old enough you can easily fool the bartender.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2016, 02:37:46 PM by Refticus »